This project is a frontend application that provides a chat interface for users to interact with a chatbot. Users can send messages, edit, and delete them within the chat widget. The application also includes user authentication features such as login and registration. The frontend is built using React, TypeScript, and Vite, and integrates with a backend API developed using Python and FastAPI.
- React
- TypeScript
- Vite
- React Router DOM
- React Context API
- Vitest
- React Testing Library
- Jest DOM
Code Quality:
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Husky
- lint-staged
Other Tools:
- Git
- GitHub
├── src/
│ ├── assets/
│ │ └── ava-profile.png
│ ├── components/
│ │ └── ChatWidget/
│ │ ├── ChatWidget.tsx
│ │ └── ChatWidget.test.tsx
│ ├── context/
│ │ ├── AuthContext.tsx
│ │ └── ChatContext.tsx
│ ├── pages/
│ │ ├── Home/
│ │ │ ├── Home.tsx
│ │ │ └── Home.test.tsx
│ │ ├── Login/
│ │ │ ├── Login.tsx
│ │ │ └── Login.test.tsx
│ │ ├── Register/
│ │ │ ├── Register.tsx
│ │ │ └── Register.test.tsx
│ │ └── NotFound/
│ │ └── NotFound.tsx
│ ├── services/
│ │ ├── authService.ts
│ │ └── chatService.ts
│ ├── App.tsx
│ ├── main.tsx
│ ├── setupTests.ts
│ └── index.css
├── .eslintrc.js
├── .gitignore
├── .husky/
│ └── pre-commit
├── .prettierrc
├── .prettierignore
├── package.json
├── vite.config.ts
├── tsconfig.json
git clone
cd async-chatbot-frontend
Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed. Then, install the project dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env
file in the root directory to store environment variables. Example:
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173 to view the application.
Ensure the backend API is running and accessible at the URL specified in the .env
). Refer to the backend repository for setup instructions.
Execute all tests using Vitest:
npm run test
- Component Rendering: Ensures components render correctly.
- Chat Functionality: Tests sending, editing, and deleting messages.
- Authentication: Tests for login and registration functionalities.
Prettier is configured to maintain consistent code formatting.
Format All Files:
npm run format
ESLint is set up to enforce code quality and consistency.
Pre-commit hooks are configured using Husky and lint-staged to automatically format and lint code before each commit.
Automatic Formatting and Linting on Commit:
Husky will trigger lint-staged to run Prettier and ESLint on staged files.
Start Development Server:
npm run dev
Build for Production:
npm run build
Preview Production Build:
npm run preview
Run Tests:
npm run test
Format Code:
npm run format
This frontend application is designed to integrate seamlessly with a backend API developed using Python and FastAPI. Ensure the backend is running and accessible at the URL specified in the .env
- Authentication:
- Login:
POST /login/
- Register:
POST /register/
- Login:
- Chat Messages:
- Send Message:
POST /messages/
- Edit Message:
PUT /messages/{id_message}
- Delete Message:
DELETE /messages/{id_message}
- List Messages:
GET /messages/
- Send Message:
- Send Messages: Interact with the chatbot by sending messages.
- Edit Messages: Modify your sent messages.
- Delete Messages: Remove messages you no longer want to keep.
- Typing Indicator: See the bot typing effect when responding.
- User Registration: Create a new account to start using the application.
- User Login: Access your account by logging in with your credentials.
- Protected Routes: Secure pages that require authentication to access.
- Token-Based Authentication: Uses JWT tokens to secure user authentication.
- Secure API Calls: All API requests include authentication headers where necessary.
- API Documentation: Refer to the backend API documentation for detailed endpoint information.
- React Documentation
- Vite Documentation
- Vitest Documentation
- React Testing Library Documentation
- Prettier Documentation
- ESLint Documentation
- Husky Documentation
- lint-staged Documentation
- FastAPI Documentation
- React Router DOM Documentation
Below is the system design diagram for this project: