A NativeScript plugin to provide:
- Modern Android Camera API (Camera X)
- MLKit integration
- Camera preview (Front & Back)
- Face detection (With Min & Max size)
- Landmark detection (Soon)
- Face crop
- Face capture
- Frame capture
- Face ROI (Soon)
- QR Code scanning
npm i -s @yoonit/nativescript-camera
All the functionalities that the @yoonit/nativescript-camera
provides is accessed through the YoonitCamera
component, that includes the camera preview. Below we have the basic usage code, for more details, your can see the Methods, Events or the Demo Vue.
import Vue from 'nativescript-vue'
import YoonitCamera from '@yoonit/nativescript-camera/vue'
After that, you can access the camera object in your entire project using this.$yoo.camera
<Page @loaded="onLoaded">
export default {
data: () => ({}),
methods: {
async onLoaded(args) {
console.log('[YooCamera] Getting Camera view')
console.log('[YooCamera] Getting permission')
if (await this.$yoo.camera.requestPermission()) {
console.log('[YooCamera] Permission granted, start preview')
doFaceDetected({ faceDetected }) {
console.log('[YooCamera] faceDetected', faceDetected)
image: {
}) {
if (total === 0) {
console.log('[YooCamera] doFaceImage', `[${count}] ${path}`)
} else {
console.log('[YooCamera] doFaceImage', `[${count}] of [${total}] - ${path}`)
console.log('[YooCamera] doFaceImage', path, source)
doEndCapture() {
console.log('[YooCamera] doEndCapture')
doQRCodeContent({ content }) {
console.log('[YooCamera] doQRCodeContent', content)
doStatus({ status }) {
console.log('[YooCamera] doStatus', JSON.parse(status))
doToggleLens() {
const currentCameraLens = this.$yoo.camera.getLens()
console.log('[YooCamera] doToggleLens', currentCameraLens)
doStartCapture(captureType) {
console.log('[YooCamera] doStartCapture', captureType)
doFaceDetectionBox(status) {
console.log('[YooCamera] doFaceDetectionBox', status)
doPermissionDenied() {
console.log('[YooCamera] doPermissionDenied')
Function | Parameters | Valid values | Return Type | Description |
requestPermission |
- | - | promise | Ask to user to give the permission to access camera. |
hasPermission |
- | - | boolean | Return if application has camera permission. |
preview |
- | - | void | Start camera preview if has permission. |
startCapture |
captureType: string |
void | Set capture type none, face, barcode or frame. |
stopCapture |
- | - | void | Stop any type of capture. |
toggleLens |
- | - | void | Set camera lens facing front or back. |
getLens |
- | - | number | Return number that represents lens face state: 0 for front 1 for back camera. |
setFaceNumberOfImages |
faceNumberOfImages: number |
Any positive number value |
void | Default value is 0. For value 0 is saved infinity images. When saved images reached the "face number os images", the onEndCapture is triggered. |
setFaceDetectionBox |
faceDetectionBox: boolean |
true or false |
void | Set to show face detection box when face detected. |
setFaceTimeBetweenImages |
faceTimeBetweenImages: number |
Any positive number that represent time in milli seconds |
void | Set saving face images time interval in milli seconds. |
setFacePaddingPercent |
facePaddingPercent: number |
Any positive number value |
void | Set face image and bounding box padding in percent. |
setFaceImageSize |
faceImageSize: number |
Any positive number value |
void | Set face image size to be saved. |
setFaceCaptureMinSize |
faceCaptureMinSize: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 . Represents the percentage. |
void | Set the minimum face capture related by percentage with the screen width. |
setFaceCaptureMaxSize |
faceCaptureMaxSize: Float |
Value between 0 and 1 . Represents the percentage. |
void | Set the maximum face capture related by percentage with the screen width. |
setFrameNumberOfImages |
frameNumberOfImages: number |
Any positive number value |
void | Default value is 0. For value 0 is saved infinity images. When saved images reached the "frame number os images", the onEndCapture is triggered. |
setFrameTimeBetweenImages |
frameTimeBetweenImages: number |
Any positive number that represent time in milli seconds |
void | Set saving frame images time interval in milli seconds. |
Event | Parameters | Description |
faceImage | { count: number, total: number, image: object = { path: string, source: blob } } |
Must have started capture type of face. Emitted when the face image file is created:
frameImage | { count: number, total: number, image: object = { path: string, source: blob } } |
Must have started capture type of frame. Emitted when the frame image file is created:
faceDetected | { x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number } |
Must have started capture type of face. Emit the detected face bounding box. Emit all parameters null if no more face detecting. |
endCapture | - | Must have started capture type of face or frame. Emitted when the number of face or frame image files created is equal of the number of images set (see the method setFaceNumberOfImages for face and setFrameNumberOfImages for frame). |
qrCodeContent | { content: string } |
Must have started capture type of barcode (see startCapture ). Emitted when the camera scan a QR Code. |
status | { type: 'error'/'message', status: string } |
Emit message error from native. Used more often for debug purpose. |
permissionDenied | - | Emit when try to preview but there is not camera permission. |
Pre-define key error constants used by the onError
KeyError | Description |
NOT_STARTED_PREVIEW | Tried to start a process that depends on to start the camera preview. |
INVALID_CAPTURE_TYPE | Tried to start a non-existent capture type. |
INVALID_FACE_NUMBER_OF_IMAGES | Tried to input invalid face number of images to capture. |
INVALID_FACE_TIME_BETWEEN_IMAGES | Tried to input invalid face time interval to capture face. |
INVALID_FACE_PADDING_PERCENT | Tried to input invalid face padding percent. |
INVALID_FACE_IMAGE_SIZE | Tried to input invalid image width or height. |
INVALID_FACE_CAPTURE_MIN_SIZE | Tried to input invalid face capture minimum size. |
INVALID_FACE_CAPTURE_MAX_SIZE | Tried to input invalid face capture maximum size. |
INVALID_FRAME_NUMBER_OF_IMAGES | Tried to input invalid frame number of images to capture. |
INVALID_FRAME_TIME_BETWEEN_IMAGES | Tried to input invalid frame time interval to capture face. |
Pre-define message constants used by the onMessage
Message | Description |
INVALID_CAPTURE_FACE_MIN_SIZE | Face bounding box width percentage in relation of the screen width is less than the setted (setFaceCaptureMinSize ). |
INVALID_CAPTURE_FACE_MAX_SIZE | Face bounding box width percentage in relation of the screen width is more than the setted (setFaceCaptureMaxSize ). |
Clone the repo, change what you want and send PR.
Contributions are always welcome!
Code with ❤ by the Cyberlabs AI Front-End Team