This processing algorithm of fiber photometry recordings was developed by Ekaterina Martianova in Christophe Proulx lab at CERVO Brain research center, Laval university, Quebec, QC, Canada, 2019.
In order to use, please copy the notebook Photometry_data_processing.ipynb to your google drive by clicking on and the example file example.csv to your google drive and follow the instructions in the notebook. You can also run the codes from your local machine if you would like. For MATLAB version, open Photometry_data_processing.mlx in MATLAB Live Editor and follow the instructions in the notebook. For R version, open Photometry_data_processing.Rmd in RStudio and follow the instructions in the notebook.
If you want to use this code, please cite our Jove paper: Martianova, E., Aronson, S., Proulx, C.D. Multi-Fiber Photometry to Record Neural Activity in Freely Moving Animal.. J. Vis. Exp. (152), e60278, doi: 10.3791/60278 (2019).
If you have any questions, please contact us: [email protected]
This project is licensed under GNU GPLv3.