An API for workflow engine.
It offers a set API operations helping to manage workitem, the core feature includes:
- Start a workitem with customized Business object.
- Fetch associated Business Object by a workitemId.
- Fetch all workitems created by operator.
A workitem can go through different steps, e.g. an absence request(workitem) will go though Manger's approval, then audit's review...
- Fetch all workitems which are pending a specified operator's approval/rejection.
- Process a workitem acting as an reviewer, after approval, the workitem will be routed to next operator.
- Reject a workitem acting as an reviewer.
WorkItem route policy definition:
- Refer to
- An Operation can be marked as autoChecked or manual checked.
- When AutoChecker exists, the specified operation will be triggered automatically and asynchronously.
- When AutoChecker does NOT exist, an explicit call to process workitem must be made in order to continue to process a workitem.
- No 3rd workflow library is needed.
- It depends on Springboot, Mybatis, H2 database(default DB)
- H2 database console is enabled at http://localhost:8080/h2-console , jdbc connection string: jdbc:h2:file:~/test by default.
- General workflow implementation are defined below com.yaod.workflow.engine.core, normally NO need to touch them.
- Different project should have their own domain, route policy... etc for their specific requirement, see example at com.yaod.workflow.engine.usercase
- Sample router policy is defined Case1DefaultRoutePolicy, of course, we can add support for xml/other configuration file.
- This is a POC project, aims to illustrate how workflow framework works, it is NOT a production ready library.