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Math Fun Facts was designed with the intention of educating and inspiring math enthusiasts with various math facts. Though primarily built for grad students and math enthusiats, our app also contains easy to understand facts that anyone who has taken a high school math class should be able to understand.
This app was built for the Mathematical Association of America. There existed a iOS version of the app, built by our professor Francis Su, but it hasn't been updated to the latest version of iOS. As a part of our Software Development course at Harvey Mudd, we decided to update the app, as well as port it to Android.
- Random Generation of Math Facts
- 10+ Math Categories
- Difficulty Selection
- Rating
- Search
- Aidan Cheng (repo owner) - [email protected]
- Anant Jaitha - [email protected]
- Ali Elabridi - [email protected]
- Anders Chaplin - [email protected]