- Website rendered as 3-dimentional cube. Stylized to look like an actual room.
- Every hard-coded parameter of the app is imported from the "config" file, for easy adjustments.
- Room's decor elements are interactive, and can be changed by the user.
- Dark mode? How about a fully fledged dimmer? Adjust site's lightness to your whim!
- Camera controls, allowing user to look around the room.
- Extenside slide controls.
- Buch of uniqe animations.
- Responsive design.
- Built akin to modern practices (to my best knowledge).
- Round modal window corrects it's position to allways stay in full view
- Spacing for decor options is not hardcoded, but calculated by the modal window.
- Help menu detects wether mouse pointer is present and adjusts it's help message accordingly.
- Decor options and slides are not hard-coded and can be easily added or removed via "content" file.
- Indicators displaying time remaining to slide change.
- Mobile users can move slides by dragging them.
- Desktop users can change slides via scrolwheel.
- Gallery photos can be enlarged by cliking/tapping them.
- Gradients simulating light effects on the walls.
- Dimmer doesnt't just decrease room's lightness, but adjusts screen's glare accordingly.
- Plant drops a shadow.
- Design breaks up at "portrait" orientation. However, modal window appears, prompting users to rotate their devices.