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a small library for combinatorial iters of dicts, useful for config/hyperparameter sweep management


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This is a small library for creating iterators of dictionaries combinatorially, for config/hyperparameter sweep management.


pip install cdict


Basic features and primitives

The basic unit in cdict is essentially a stream of dictionaries (Iterable[dict]). We then have two main operations:

  • x + y concatenates (includes dictionaries in x and then dictionaries in y), much like list addition

    import cdict as C
    # setup
    a1 = C.dict(a=1)
    assert list(a1) == [dict(a=1)]
    a2 = C.dict(a=2)
    assert list(a2) == [dict(a=2)]
    # "add" cdicts by union-ing the set of dicts
    sweep_a = a1 + a2
    assert list(sweep_a) == [dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]
    # equivalent way to add
    sweep_a = C.sum(C.dict(a=a) for a in [1,2])
    assert list(sweep_a) == [dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]
    # a convenience
    sweep_a = C.dict(a=C.list(1, 2))
    assert list(sweep_a) == [dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]
  • x * y does an outer product (includes dictionaries formed by combining all pairs of dictionaries from x and y)

    import cdict as C
    # setup
    sweep_a = C.dict(a=C.list(1, 2))
    assert list(sweep_a) == [dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]
    sweep_b = C.dict(b=C.list(1,2))
    assert list(sweep_b) == [dict(b=1), dict(b=2)]
    # "multiply" cdicts by combinatorially combining all possibilities
    sweep_ab = sweep_a * sweep_b
    assert list(sweep_ab) == [
        dict(a=1, b=1), dict(a=1, b=2),
        dict(a=2, b=1), dict(a=2, b=2),
    # a convenience
    sweep_ab = C.dict(
        a=C.list(1, 2),
        b=C.list(1, 2),
    assert list(sweep_ab) == [
        dict(a=1, b=1), dict(a=1, b=2),
        dict(a=2, b=1), dict(a=2, b=2),

These two basic operations can be composed arbitrarily, and behave as you would expect!

import cdict as C

sweep_a = C.dict(a=C.list(1, 2))
assert list(sweep_a) == [dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]
sweep_b = C.dict(b=C.list(1,2))
assert list(sweep_b) == [dict(b=1), dict(b=2)]

# add and multiply all you want
baseline = C.dict(a=0, b=0)
sweep_z = C.dict(z=1) + C.dict(z=2)
sweep_complex = (sweep_a + sweep_z) * sweep_b + baseline
assert list(sweep_complex) == [
    dict(a=1, b=1), dict(a=1, b=2),
    dict(a=2, b=1), dict(a=2, b=2),
    dict(z=1, b=1), dict(z=1, b=2),
    dict(z=2, b=1), dict(z=2, b=2),
    dict(a=0, b=0),

# equivalent, thanks to left-distributive property
sweep_complex_2 = sweep_a * sweep_b + sweep_z * sweep_b + baseline
assert list(sweep_complex_2) == list(sweep_complex)

Note that cdicts are lazy.

import cdict as C

# avoid lists if needed, for memory efficiency
sweep_lazy = C.dict(a=C.iter(range(1, 3)), b=C.iter(range(1, 3)))
it = iter(sweep_lazy)
assert next(it) == dict(a=1, b=1)
assert next(it) == dict(a=1, b=2)
assert next(it) == dict(a=2, b=1)
assert next(it) == dict(a=2, b=2)

Other features include:

  • customizable combining behavior, gives user control over conflict resolution (allowing vs disallow override)

    import pytest
    import cdict as C
    # conflicting keys errors by default
    a1 = C.dict(a=1)
    a2 = C.dict(a=2)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        list(a1 * a2)
    # you can use overridable to change this behavior
    a1 = C.dict(a=C.overridable(1))
    a2 = C.dict(a=2)
    assert list(a1 * a2) == [dict(a=2)]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # order matters - a2 isn't overridable
        list(a2 * a1)
    # overridable is just one special case of combining conflicting keys
    joinstr = C.combiner(lambda x, y: f"{x}.{y}")
    s1 = C.sum(C.dict(a=a, uid=joinstr(f"a{a}")) for a in [1, 2])
    s2 = C.sum(C.dict(b=b, uid=joinstr(f"b{b}")) for b in [1, 2])
    assert list(s1 * s2) == [
        dict(a=1, b=1, uid="a1.b1"),
        dict(a=1, b=2, uid="a1.b2"),
        dict(a=2, b=1, uid="a2.b1"),
        dict(a=2, b=2, uid="a2.b2"),
    # Under the hood, override and combiner work by cdict_combine lets you override that behavior!
    # You can actually multiply lists of anything, as long as they implement cdict_combine.
    # Here's a more explicit implementation of joinstr
    class joinstr(str):
        def cdict_combine(self, other):
            return joinstr(f"{self}.{other}")
    s = C.sum(joinstr(f"a{i}") for i in range(1, 3)) * C.sum(joinstr(f"b{i}") for i in range(1, 3))
    assert list(s) == ["a1.b1", "a1.b2", "a2.b1", "a2.b2"]
    # Yet another implementation that doesn't subclass string
    # cdict_item lets you control what cdict iteration yields
    class joinstr():
        def __init__(self, s: str):
            self.s = s
        def cdict_combine(self, other):
            return joinstr(f"{self.s}.{other.s}")
        def cdict_item(self):
            return self.s
    s = C.sum(joinstr(f"a{i}") for i in range(1, 3)) * C.sum(joinstr(f"b{i}") for i in range(1, 3))
    assert list(s) == ["a1.b1", "a1.b2", "a2.b1", "a2.b2"]
    # C.defaultdict also provides a convenience for having everything be overridable
    defaults = C.defaultdict(a=1, b=1)
    a2 = C.dict(a=2)
    assert list(defaults * a2) == [dict(a=2, b=1)]
    assert list(defaults * defaults * a2) == [dict(a=2, b=1)]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # defaults don't override
        list(a2 * defaults)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # can't override twice
        list(defaults * a2 * a2)
  • nesting of cdicts

    import pytest
    import cdict as C
    # Nesting, basics
    # You can nest cdicts, to get lists of nested dicts.
    # This is useful if you have nested configuration
    sweep_nested = C.dict(
        nested_a=C.dict(a=1) + C.dict(a=2),
        nested_b=C.dict(b=1) + C.dict(b=2),
    assert list(sweep_nested) == [
        dict(nested_a=dict(a=1), nested_b=dict(b=1)),
        dict(nested_a=dict(a=1), nested_b=dict(b=2)),
        dict(nested_a=dict(a=2), nested_b=dict(b=1)),
        dict(nested_a=dict(a=2), nested_b=dict(b=2)),
    # Multiplying nested cdicts acts as expected
    sweep_nested_2 = C.dict(
        nested_a=C.dict(a=1) + C.dict(a=2),
    ) * C.dict(
        nested_b=C.dict(b=1) + C.dict(b=2),
    assert list(sweep_nested_2) == list(sweep_nested)
    # Nesting convenience syntax
    # "nested" syntax for adding
    sweep_a = C.dict(a=C.list(1,2))
    assert list(sweep_a) == [dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]
    sweep_b = C.dict(b=C.list(1,2))
    assert list(sweep_b) == [dict(b=1), dict(b=2)]
    # "nested" multiply
    sweep_ab = C.dict(a=C.list(1, 2), b=C.list(1, 2))
    assert list(sweep_ab) == [
        dict(a=1, b=1), dict(a=1, b=2),
        dict(a=2, b=1), dict(a=2, b=2),
    # Nesting and conflicts
    # you can multiply within nesting (under the hood, because cdicts' items implement cdict_combine by default!)
    nested_sweep = (
        C.dict(nested=C.dict(a=C.list(1, 2))) *
        C.dict(nested=C.dict(b=C.list(1, 2)))
    assert list(nested_sweep) == [
        dict(nested=dict(a=1, b=1)),
        dict(nested=dict(a=1, b=2)),
        dict(nested=dict(a=2, b=1)),
        dict(nested=dict(a=2, b=2)),
    # to change that behavior, use finaldict (yields normal dicts that don't implement cdict_combine)
    nested_sweep_fail = (
        C.dict(nested=C.finaldict(a=C.list(1, 2))) *
        C.dict(nested=C.dict(b=C.list(1, 2)))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    # ordering matters for declaring finality
    nested_sweep_success = (
        C.dict(nested=C.dict(a=C.list(1, 2))) *
        C.dict(nested=C.finaldict(b=C.list(1, 2)))
    assert list(nested_sweep_success) == list(nested_sweep)
    # also fails with objects that don't implement cdict_combine 
    nested_sweep_fail_2 = C.dict(nested=C.dict(a=1)) * C.dict(nested=C.dict(a=2))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    # since the outer dict isn't final, separate keys is fine even with final values
    nested_sweep_nonconflict = (
        C.dict(nested_a=C.finaldict(a=C.list(1, 2))) *
        C.dict(nested_b=C.finaldict(b=C.list(1, 2)))
    assert list(nested_sweep_nonconflict) == list(sweep_nested)
  • transforms

    import cdict as C
    sweep_ab = C.dict(
        a=C.list(1, 2), b=C.list(1, 2),
    # transform with map
    def square_a(x):
        x['aa'] = x['a']**2
        return x
    sweep_squares =
    assert list(sweep_squares) == [
        dict(a=1, aa=1, b=1),
        dict(a=1, aa=1, b=2),
        dict(a=2, aa=4, b=1),
        dict(a=2, aa=4, b=2),
    # or filter!
    sweep_squares_filtered = sweep_squares.filter(lambda d: d['aa'] != d['b'])
    assert list(sweep_squares_filtered) == [
        dict(a=1, aa=1, b=2),
        dict(a=2, aa=4, b=1),
        dict(a=2, aa=4, b=2),
    # more general transforms with apply
    def add_seeds(x):
        for i in range(2):
            yield dict(aab=x['aa'] * x['b'], seed=x['a'] * 100 + x['b'] * 10 + i)
    sweep_squares_filtered_seeded = sweep_squares_filtered.apply(add_seeds)
    assert list(sweep_squares_filtered_seeded) == [
        dict(aab=2, seed=120), dict(aab=2, seed=121),
        dict(aab=4, seed=210), dict(aab=4, seed=211),
        dict(aab=8, seed=220), dict(aab=8, seed=221),
  • a "zip" operation | which does an elementwise product of cdicts of equal length

    import pytest
    import cdict as C
    sweep_a = C.dict(a=C.list(1, 2))
    assert list(sweep_a) == [dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]
    sweep_b = C.dict(b=C.list(1,2))
    assert list(sweep_b) == [dict(b=1), dict(b=2)]
    # zipping of equal length things
    diag_sweep = sweep_a | sweep_b
    assert list(diag_sweep) == [
        dict(a=1, b=1), dict(a=2, b=2),


cdict combinators have some nice properties, including essentially everything you would expect given the + and * syntax.

To be precise:

  • + is associative
  • * is associative if 1
  • + is commutative if 2
  • * is commutative if 1 and 2
  • * is left-distributive over +, and right-distributive if 2


  1. if values implement cdict_combine satisfying the same property, at any/all conflicting keys
  2. if ignoring order of the resulting yielded items

For math nerds: assuming these two things, they form a commutative semiring with 0 = C.list() and 1 = C.dict()!

We also have properties of |:

  • | is associative if 1
  • | is commutative if 1
  • (a + b) | (c + d) = (a | c) + (b | d) if len(a) == len(c)
  • (a * b) | (c * d) = (a | c) * (b | d) if len(a) == len(c) and len(b) == len(d) and cdict_combine is associative and commutative


pytest tests


This library was strongly inspired by another tiny library written by Paul Christiano and Daniel Ziegler


a small library for combinatorial iters of dicts, useful for config/hyperparameter sweep management







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