The library enables cashless payment processing with selected mPOS terminals (magStripe and Chip and PIN) via the fully-licensed Wirecard Bank, Wirecard Retail Services which allows acceptance of many different cards, including Visa, MasterCard and American Express. In addition alternative payment method Alipay is also available.
The SDK and Wirecard Payment infrastructure supports:
Debit and credit cards are standard
- VISA, Mastercard
- Rupay
- American Express
- Alipay
- Purchase
- Authorisation and Pre-Authorisation
- Capture
- Reversal
- Refund
Switch system is mobile Cashier backend sale system for merchants, which provides the following base features:
- Management of Partners, Merchants, Users, Cashiers, Cash registers, mPOS Terminals and Merchant's Product catalogues
- Processing Sales with combined payment methods (currently support for: Card, Cash and Gift card payments, but API is open to adding of new payment methods)
- Card payments can be routed to the right Payment gateway based on rules configured for Merchant
- Merchant's ERP system integration (Sale notifications, Products stock and Cashiers activity tracking).
Currently cloud SAP (Business by Design) is supported. - Loyalty (Voucher) system services - providing GiftCards selling and GiftCard payment method for attracting customers.
- Sales history with the possibility to invoke actions (like Reversal, Refund, Receipt generation, etc.)
- Possibility to communicate with HSM module for data decryption and reencryption
- Terminals supported: Spire SPm2, Spire Posmate, bbpos Chipper, IDTECH UnimagPro, Miura (HSM is needed)
Find more information about Switch in the Switch Fact Sheet and Switch ePOS backend overview
Wirecard Technologies is using the Wirecard-ePOS in their Whitelabel application which is fully integrated professional mPOS solution. The Whitelabel app is VISA and Mastercard certified and utilises the Wirecard infrastructure for card payment processing.
The SDK provides minimalistic Payment UI consiting of the following screens:
- Amount Entry
- Payment Method selection
- Signature Capture
- Payment Process
- Cash Register selection
- Card application selection
- Open/Close Shift
- Payment QRCode scanner
Please refer to eClear example application to see the implementation details.
There are two ways how to install the SDK.
- Clone from GitHub and integrate the framework as per the information available at the Developer Portal
- Wirecard ePOS SDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'YourTarget' do
pod 'WDePOS/All'
It is possible to use Wirecard ePOS with core functionality and one of supported terminal extension. E.g. to use Wirecard ePOS and Spire SPm2 smart terminal please modify your podfile as follows:
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'YourTarget' do
pod 'WDePOS/Spire'
Visit our Wirecard ePOS Developer Portal for more information on how to integrate the Wirecard ePOS SDK into your application
Get in touch with Wirecard ePOS development team for Wirecard ePOS support and ePOS Whitelabel solution
Get in touch with Wirecard ePOS retail team for Wirecard payment processing services
All the necessary information can be found on Wirecard ePOS Developer Portal
The Switch ePOS backend documentation:
- Computer running OSX
- XCode 9
- Device running iOS > 9.0
- One of Wirecard approved terminals, printers, cash drawers, barcode scanners
Wirecard Technologies Slovakia, [email protected]
Radoslav Danko
Francisco Fortes
Marek Timko
Jaroslav Pulik
Wirecard-ePOS is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.