ibkr-options-volatility-trading : Volatility trading using Long and Short Straddle options strategies on Interactive Broker using Yahoo Finance and TWS API
thetagang :ThetaGang is an IBKR bot for collecting money, ThetaGang is an IBKR trading bot for collecting premium by selling options using "The Wheel" strategy. The Wheel is a strategy that surfaced on Reddit, but has been used by many in the past. This bot implements a slightly modified version of The Wheel
OptionLab : A Python library for evaluating option trading strategies.
optopsy: options backtesting library for Python. "How do straddles perform on the SPX?" or "Which strikes and/or expiration dates should I choose to make the most potential profit?" Use cases for Optopsy:
Generate option strategies from raw option chain datasets for your own analysis
Discover performance statistics on percentage change for various options strategies on a given stock
options_backtester : Simple backtesting software for options
OptionSuite : Option / stock strategy backtester and live trader* framework.
Getting started decribes what you need in order to get started backtesting. need to purchase a data package from ivolatility in order to use this library since the sample data is quite limited.
wallstreet :Real time stock and option data. Orignal data from yahoo finance.
Options-Trading-Strategies-in-Python : Developing Options Trading Strategies using Technical Indicators and Quantitative Methods | last update 2019.
Quant DSL: Domain specific language for quantitative analytics in finance and trading.