This repo provides the PyTorch source code of our paper: Beyond User Self-Reported Likert Scale Ratings: A Comparison Model for Automatic Dialog Evaluation (ACL 2020). [PDF][Video] [Stanford AI Lab Blog] [Slides] [Code]
author = {Weixin Liang and
James Zou and
Zhou Yu},
title = {Beyond User Self-Reported Likert Scale Ratings: {A} Comparison Model
for Automatic Dialog Evaluation},
booktitle = {{ACL}},
pages = {1363--1374},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2020}
Open Domain dialog system evaluation is one of the most important challenges in dialog research. Existing automatic evaluation metrics, such as BLEU are mostly reference-based. They calculate the difference between the generated response and a limited number of available references. Likert-score based self-reported user rating is widely adopted by social conversational systems, such as Amazon Alexa Prize chatbots. However, self-reported user rating suffers from bias and variance among different users. To alleviate this problem, we formulate dialog evaluation as a comparison task. We also propose an automatic evaluation model CMADE (Comparison Model for Automatic Dialog Evaluation) that automatically cleans self-reported user ratings as it trains on them. Specifically, we first use a self-supervised method to learn better dialog feature representation, and then use KNN and Shapley to remove confusing samples. Our experiments show that CMADE achieves 89.2% accuracy in the dialog comparison task. Our implementation is available at
Figure: Schematic of the CMADE workflow. CMADE contains a three-stage training pipeline to denoise self-reported ratings to train an automatic dialog comparison model: learning representation viaself-supervised dialog flow anomaly detection, fine-tuning with smoothed self-reported user ratings, denoising with data Shapley & further fine-tuning. The gray and blue rectangles in stage 1 represents system and user utterances. The red rectangle in stage 1 represents the randomly replaced system utterance for dialog flow perturbation. In stage 2 & 3, each ball represents a dialog in the training data. The number on each ball represents the dialog rating.Run the following commands to create a conda environment (assuming CUDA10.1):
conda create -n herald python=3.6
conda activate herald
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
conda install matplotlib scipy
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn
conda install -c conda-forge transformers
conda install pandas
Please check requirements.txt or requirements.yml for additional details about the dependencies (Note that you don't need to install all of them).
python --model_name bert_spc
Our 3-stage pipeline is detailed in the function. The code is built upon the github repo ABSA-PyTorch. Many thanks to the authors and developers!
checkpoint_path = self.run_stage_1()'stage_1 checkpoint_path: {}'.format(checkpoint_path))
train_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=self.trainset, batch_size=self.opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True)
checkpoint_path = self._train_stage_2(criterion, optimizer, train_data_loader)
where we call the knn_smooth_scores function in
neigh = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=n_neighbors), y)
y_smoothed = neigh.predict(X) # KNN-smoothing
train_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=self.trainset, batch_size=self.opt.batch_size, shuffle=True)
self.extract_kmeans_newset(train_data_loader, "shapley")
global_shapley_arr = do_knn_shapley() # Calculate Shapley Value
# Remove data points with negative Shapley value
next_trainset_pool = ABSADataset()
for i in range(global_shapley_arr.shape[0]):
if global_shapley_arr[i] > 0.:
# Only keep data points with positive Shapley value[i])'After shapley: len( {}, global_shapley_arr {}'.format( len(, global_shapley_arr ))
# Further fine-tuning
train_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=next_trainset_pool, batch_size=self.opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True)
best_model_path = self._train_stage_3(criterion, optimizer, train_data_loader)'After shapley best_model_path: {}'.format(best_model_path))
pair_acc, pair_f1 = self._pair_annotated_evaluate(isTestFlag=False)
pair_acc, pair_f1 = self._pair_annotated_evaluate(isTestFlag=True)
Here we first calculate the Shaley value, and then remove data points with negative Shapley value, and then futher fine-tune the model. We call the do_knn_shapley function in to calculate the Shaley value, based on the following theorem.
In particular, the core implementation of the theorem is:
def single_point_shapley(xt_query):
distance1 = np.sum(np.square(X-xt_query), axis=1)
alpha = np.argsort(distance1)
shapley_arr = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(N-1, -1, -1):
if i == N-1:
shapley_arr[alpha[i]] = y[alpha[i]]/N
shapley_arr[alpha[i]] = shapley_arr[alpha[i+1]] + (y[alpha[i]] - y[alpha[i+1]])/K * min(K,i+1)/(i+1)
# we use (i+1) here since i starts from zero in our python implementaion.
return shapley_arr
global_shapley_arr = np.zeros(N)
for xt1, xt2, cmplabel in zip(X_test_1, X_test_2, y_test_pair):
s1 = single_point_shapley(xt1)
s2 = single_point_shapley(xt2)
if cmplabel==0:
global_shapley_arr += s1 - s2
global_shapley_arr += s2 - s1
global_shapley_arr /= y_test_pair.shape[0]
HERALD: An Annotation Efficient Method to Train User Engagement Predictors in Dialogs (ACL 2021). Weixin Liang, Kai-Hui Liang and Zhou Yu. [PDF] [Code]
Data Shapley: Equitable Data Valuation for Machine Learning. (ICML 2019). Amirata Ghorbani, James Zou. [PDF] [Video] [Poster] [Slides] [Code]
Thank you for your interest in our work! Please contact me at [email protected] for any questions, comments, or suggestions!