A purpose-built log analyzer for The Way of the Crab.
- Wanted to be able to measure listens per episode over time.
- Tried a couple off-the-shelf log analyzers
- Most were overkill
- Retained data that may be consdered personal data
- Didn't give a concise view relavent to a podcast
WotC is hosted using nginx. This tool analyzes nginx's log files to look for downloads of the various audio files. Many clients break requests into chunks to prevent loading the entire file when streaming, so this tool accumulates the total number of bytes per file per IP address before analyzing if each IP address counts as a full or partial download.
Data that might be labeled as personal data (such as the combination of
timestamp, IP address, and User Agent) are available in our logs for 14 days.
Older logs are automatically deleted via logrotate
The only data persisted to the database is:
- Per episode and date:
- full downloads
- partial downloads
As such, no potentially personal data is archived by our server.