🛒 CoCart provides developers with a flexiable REST API, designed to save hours of development so you can spend time building modern and scalable store away from WordPress. Unlock your WooCommerce s…
PoC of a new model for the WordPress VIP dev environment based almost completely on containers.
The easy and reliable way to test WordPress with Codeception. 10 years of proven success.
VS Code extension that allows you to record and play back guided tours of codebases, directly within the editor.
Example code snippets for a secure and performant WordPress VIP site ( Keywords: Example VIP Code
A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications
Monostack is a Gutenberg-ready WordPress theme that brings the beauty of code editors to the frontend.
JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
Transform joystick input into keyboard and mouse events (OSX)
A plugin to allow admins of a WordPress multisite network to manage unactivated members, either by activating them manually or resending the activation email.
An advanced Gulp workflow for WordPress development with extensive documentation. Used by 40,000+ themes and plugins.
A simple class for binding complex routes to functions methods or WP_AJAX actions.
PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it!
Smooth product, customer and order generation for WooCommerce
A development plugin that adds some WP-CLI commands for generating WooCommerce data
(Deprecated) This plugin has been merged into woocommerce/woocommerce
The Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository.
Store WooCommerce order data in a custom table for improved performance.
Bash script to handle tagging on Github and deployment to WordPress SVN
A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users
This is a repository is obsolete, WooCommerce REST API is now located in
WooCommerce Page Objects to be used on end-to-end tests with Selenium WebDriver
🎩 A React Redux toolset for the WordPress API
using Alexa, IFTTT, Dropbox, Keyboard Maestro, and Applescript, I was able to create a custom IFTTT command that setups my computer up for a coding environment.