- https://www.twilio.com/ - create Twilio account
- https://www.clickatell.com - or Clickatell account
- http://www.receive-sms-online.info/read-sms.php?phone=14053264519 - Read test messages
0. Prepare Clickatell Library:
$ git clone https://github.com/sealTLV/Clickatell4j
$ cd Clickatell4j
$ mvn clean compile install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
1. Clone project:
$ git clone https://github.com/sealTLV/SmsAuthService
2. Edit configurations:
$ cd SmsAuthService/complete/src/main/resources
$ gedit application.properties
$ gedit application-database.properties
ATTENTION: You have to fill credentials for Twilio or Clickatell messenger API:
$ gedit application-sms-twilio.properties
# or:
$ gedit application-sms-clickatell.properties
3. Run:
$ cd SmsAuthService/complete
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dserver.port=9988
4. Read API-documentation: http://localhost:9988/swagger-ui.html
1. Register repository sms-verification-service
2. Build and upload image to Docker
$ cd SmsAuthService/complete
$ mvn clean package docker:build -Dmaven.test.skip=true
$ docker login --username=luizavladislavna [email protected]
$ docker push luizavladislavna/sms-verification-service
3. Run image:
$ docker run -p 9988:8080 luizavladislavna/sms-verification-service