🐛 fix
- @visactor/vchart: fix the problem that the axis-component cannot take effect after configuring minWidth and maxWidth, details are in #379
- @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of axis move slighty when manual legend filtering, details are in #426
- @visactor/vchart: fix the issue about when axis.label is autoLimit, the chart layout can not work as expect after resize, details in #429
- @visactor/vchart: fix appear animation state fixed #327
- @visactor/vchart: cloneDeep user data to avoid modifying user data
- @visactor/vchart: fix the resize problem in progress chart, fixed #502
- @visactor/vchart: if the region size is invalid, ignore the wordcloud layout, fixed #506, #410
- @visactor/taro-vchart: use the vchart es5 product to compact low version environment, related to #466
- @visactor/taro-vchart: no need to check event.target.id
🔖 other
- @visactor/vchart: add es5 build product
What's Changed
- sync 1.1.0 by @kkxxkk2019 in #287
- chore:Update README.md,add React-VChart link by @xuanhun in #284
- fix: indicator component does not cleared when chart is updated #250 by @pairone in #290
- ci: update trigger rules for bug-server and unit-test workflow by @kkxxkk2019 in #295
- Fix/274 map issue by @xiaoluoHe in #291
- feat: export react-vchart type define by @ssfxz in #297
- Fix/issue 251 by @kkxxkk2019 in #311
- feat(vchart): support
event for vchart by @kkxxkk2019 in #240 - feat: support static api
in vchart class by @xuefei1313 in #312 - fix: fix the issue that the update of label visible fails to take eff… by @xiaoluoHe in #314
- Sync/main by @kkxxkk2019 in #318
- Sync/1.1.1 by @kkxxkk2019 in #329
- Feat/extend json schema by @kkxxkk2019 in #303
- Feat/sync method by @zamhown in #346
- Feat/support on error handler in init option by @xuefei1313 in #340
- feat: geo-coordinate support zoom api in #292 by @xiaoluoHe in #339
- Feat/linear dimension tooltip by @zamhown in #293
- Feat/support background of series and chart by @xuefei1313 in #279
- Fix/react vchart onerror by @xile611 in #353
- Issue 335 by @kkxxkk2019 in #349
- Fix/issue 321 by @kkxxkk2019 in #354
- fix: fix the issue of geo source lost by @xiaoluoHe in #356
- fix(vchart): fix the issue where linearAxis.expand does not work when… by @xiaoluoHe in #359
- Sync/main by @kkxxkk2019 in #364
- Pre release/1.2.0 beta.1 by @kkxxkk2019 in #352
- Perf/stack data optimization by @xuefei1313 in #363
- Feat/issue 330 by @kkxxkk2019 in #351
- Fix/issue 337 by @kkxxkk2019 in #367
- fix: set default value for nodeAlign in sankey chart by @pairone in #362
- Fix/word cloud updateSpec by @skie1997 in #369
- Fix/341 sankey chart support source field by @pairone in #366
- Feat/tooltip event by @zamhown in #371
- chore: update common/config/rush/pnpm-lock.yaml by @kkxxkk2019 in #377
- Feat/sankey diagram data structure by @pairone in #375
- Fix/waterfall datazoom by @skie1997 in #389
- Fix/issue 306 and 309 data zoom bug by @skie1997 in #376
- Fix/waterfall bar style setting by @xuefei1313 in #387
- fix: fixing the exception thrown when updating the map updateSpec by @xiaoluoHe in #390
- Feat log axis dev/1.2.0 by @skie1997 in #394
- fix: fixing the issue where updateSpec does not have an effect on map… by @xiaoluoHe in #402
- [Auto release] release 1.1.3 by @github-actions in #403
- Sync/main by @kkxxkk2019 in #412
- fix(wordCloud): fix wordCloud size error probelm. fix #400, fix #260 by @skie1997 in #406
- chore: update README logo to adapt dark mode by @zamhown in #404
- Perf/axis tick data by @xuefei1313 in #413
- Perf/add animationThreshold configuration to support automatically close animationa when the amount of data is large by @xuefei1313 in #313
- Perf/remove multiple statistics data by @xuefei1313 in #425
- chore: upgrade vrender to v0.14 by @kkxxkk2019 in #423
- Feat/mark line 1.2.0 by @skie1997 in #424
- Feat/issue 328 support
for bar series and rangeColumn series, used to adjust the gap between bars in each group, by @kkxxkk2019 in #383 - Fix/issue 370 by @kkxxkk2019 in #433
- Fix/wrong update of react components by @xile611 in #431
- fix: bar label does not show in the expected position when axis is inversed by @xiaoluoHe in #442
- Fix/issue 443: by @kkxxkk2019 in #445
- Fix/issue 408: The title color configured on the theme does not take effect by @kkxxkk2019 in #441
- fix: fix the issue that updateSpec of pie chart causes innerRadius/ou… by @xiaoluoHe in #448
- dev/1.2.0 merge into develop by @kkxxkk2019 in #365
- Fix/issue 449 by @kkxxkk2019 in #471
- feat: filling full data to map mark data in #420 by @xiaoluoHe in #469
- Fix/472: type fix by @kkxxkk2019 in #473
- Feat/tooltip optimize by @zamhown in #461
- feat: time axis tooltip optimization by @zamhown in #463
- fix: tooltip content is out of bounds in some uncommon case, related … by @zamhown in #468
- chore: upgrade vrender version to 0.13.9, vrender-component version t… by @kkxxkk2019 in #480
- Fix/react vchart wrong update by @xile611 in #485
- Feat/time axis tooltip by @zamhown in #483
- Fix/brush by @skie1997 in #432
- fix(react-vchart): fix the issue update wrong `eventsBind… by @xile611 in #486
- Feat/data filter for axis label and tick by @kkxxkk2019 in #487
- Fix/polar axis update by @zamhown in #493
- [Auto release] release 1.2.0 by @github-actions in #494
- Sync/main by @kkxxkk2019 in #495
- chore: because of the pnpm strategy, update the version accurately by @kkxxkk2019 in #504
- Chore/vchart: 添加 vchart es5 编译产物,用于 �taro-vchart by @kkxxkk2019 in #500
- fix: fix the appear animation state by @purpose233 in #501
- Fix/379 bug minwidthmaxwith do not work on axis by @xuefei1313 in #447
- fix: fix the resize problem in progress chart by @purpose233 in #511
- Fix/word cloud size by @kkxxkk2019 in #515
- Fix/type comment:fix the error comment and upgrade vgrammar version by @kkxxkk2019 in #516
- fix(axis-layout): fix the issue of axis move slighty when manual lege… by @xuefei1313 in #464
- Fix/data modify by @kkxxkk2019 in #526
- Feat/497 feature add api setviewbox not include render by @xuefei1313 in #530
- [Auto release] release 1.2.1 by @github-actions in #536
New Contributors
- @xuanhun made their first contribution in #284
- @purpose233 made their first contribution in #501
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.2.1