The idea behind the package was to measure connection speed between a client and a RTMP server, where the server doesn't respond to traditional IP ping. This package wraps librtmp, a C library in a convenient way, making it possible to see how much time it takes for a rtmp connection to be made.
Since it uses librtmp you can use all the protocols supported by librtmp.
That is:
const RTMPPing = require('rtmp-ping');
// Get ping in milliseconds where RTMPUrl is the rtmp:// url to the resource.
// Get ping in microseconds.
RTMPPing.getPingMS(RTMPUrl).then(pingms => {
console.log('Ping in millis: ', pingms)
Since it uses C under the hood, you might miss some dependencies in order to build it. Here are some tips to build it on different linux distros:
$ sudo apt install build-essentials libssl-dev python3
$ apk add build-base openssl-dev python3
To debug the code in vscodium or vscode, install
and then run
"Launch Test"
from Run And Debug menu.