My English is very poor, but this does not affect my heart to communicate with the world, thanks for Google translation
Use the phone to scan the QR code to see the example
#克隆仓库 Clone repository
git clone
#进入项目 Go into project
cd JRoll
#安装express Install express
npm install -g express
#If on mac, use sudo
sudo npm install -g express
#运行 Run
node server.js
然后在浏览器打开 localhost:3020/demos/
And then open the localhost:3020/demos/
in the browser
JRoll is a lightweight, lightweight HTML5 scroll plugin compatible with the CommonJS / AMD / CMD module specification, open source, free slideshow, scroll acceleration, resizing, scrolling, and slide events.
JRoll second edition is based on the first version of JRoll, sliding algorithm rewrite, based on time movement, to solve the problem of slow sliding frame rate, change the vertical and horizontal direction to determine the direction of the vertical and horizontal capture more accurate and sensitive.
JRoll Second Edition adds some APIs that are not fully compatible with JRoll first edition.
- IOS 6+
- Android 4.0+
- Chrmoe
- Firefox
- IE 9+
Note: In order to make this plugin lightweight, JRoll PC browser compatible only to facilitate the development of debugging, not to do too much processing, it is strongly recommended to use the Google browser simulator for development, please use in the mobile side.
Will not specifically go too compatible with the old browser
<script src='jroll'></script>
var JRoll = require('jroll');
require(['jroll'], function(JRoll) {
seajs.use('jroll', function(JRoll) {
<!-- html代码 -->
<div id="wrapper">
<ul id="scroller">
<!-- css代码 -->
ul {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
li {line-height: 24px; margin-left: 24px;}
#wrapper {width: 200px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid;}
<!-- javascript代码 -->
new JRoll("#wrapper");
var jroll = new JRoll(selector [, options]);
The selector
is a container, either an id selector string #wrapper
or a dom object document.getElementById ( 'wrapper')
. The second argument is an optional object that determines how a JRoll instance is created.
Example: Create an instance with a vertical scroll bar
var jroll = new JRoll("#wrapper", {scrollBarY:true});
Save the JRoll instance, you can dynamically modify some of the optional parameters
Example: No rebound
jroll.options.bounce = false;
✅ 表示可动态修改
✅ Means that can be dynamically modified
可选值 Key | 默认值 Default Value | 说明 Description |
id | [随机生成] [Randomly generated] |
id,jroll对象的唯一标记,建议手动提供id,方便在全局JRoll.jrollMap访问指定jroll对象,不提供时系统自动创建。 Id, the unique identifier of the JRoll instance, it is recommended to manually provide id, convenient access to the specified JRoll instance in global JRoll.jrollMap, if haven't the system will automatically created. |
scrollX | false | 使能水平滑动 ✅ Enable horizontal sliding |
scrollY | true | 使能垂直滑动 ✅ Enable vertical sliding |
scrollFree | false | 使能自由滑动,默认情况下,x方向在滑动时,y方向不能滑动,相反亦然,如果应用于对图片进行放大滑动,可将此参数设为true ✅ By default, the y direction does not slide when the x direction is sliding, and vice versa. If you apply zooming to a picture, you can set this parameter to true |
minX | 0 | 向左滑动的边界值 ✅ The boundary value to the right |
maxX | [负scroller的宽] [-scroller's width] |
向右滑动的边界值 ✅ The boundary value to the left |
minY | 0 | 向下滑动的边界值 ✅ The boundary value to the up |
maxY | [负scroller的高] [-scroller's height] |
向上滑动的边界值 ✅ The boundary value to the down |
zoom | false | 使能缩放 ✅ Enable scaling |
zoomMin | 1.0 | 最小缩放倍数 ✅ Minimum zoom factor |
zoomMax | 4.0 | 最大缩放倍数 ✅ Maximum zoom factor |
bounce | true | 允许回弹 ✅ Allow the rebound |
scrollBarX | false | 开启水平滚动条 Open the horizontal scroll bar |
scrollBarY | false | 开启垂直滚动条 Open the vertical scroll bar |
scrollBarFade | false | 滚动条使用渐隐模式 The scroll bar uses fade mode |
preventDefault | true | 禁止touchmove默认事件 Disables the touchmove default event |
momentum | true | 开启滑动加速,惯性过渡 ✅ Open sliding acceleration, inertial transition |
autoStyle | true | 自动为wrapper和scroller添加样式 Automatically adds styles to the wrapper and scroller |
从JRoll v2.2.0版本开始,JRoll删除了adjustTop选项,自动调整安卓机输入框位置的功能抽离到jroll-fixedinput.js里。 |
scroller | [wrapper的第一个子元素] [Wrapper's first child element] |
指定scroller,不可动态更改,可以是id选择器字符串#scroller ,也可以是dom对象document.getElementById('scroller') Specified scroller, can not be dynamically changed, can be id selector string #scroller , or can be dom document.getElementById ( 'scroller') |
- id,JRoll对象的唯一标识符。
- id -> the unique identifier for the JRoll instances.
var jroll = new JRoll("#wrapper");
- jrollMap,对象,JRoll对象集合,保存了当前页面的所有JRoll对象。
- jrollMap -> object, JRoll instances collection, the current page to save all the JRoll instances.
🔗 表示支持链式调用
🔗 Means that chained calls are supported
When the height of the scroller or wrapper changes, you need to use this method to refresh the JRoll instance
var jroll = new JRoll("#wrapper");
//do something,例:动态修改scroller的内容,使scroller的高度发生变化
The method is used to move the scroller. The first parameter is the x offset (required), the second is the y offset (required), and the third is the sliding time (optional, unit Ms), the fourth is whether to allow out of bounds (optional, true / false), and the fifth callback method. If you want to get the current x, y offset, you can directly output jroll.x and jroll.y
jroll.scrollTo(x, y, duration [, bool, callback])
var jroll = new JRoll("#wrapper");
//200ms内滑动到0px, -100px位置
jroll.scrollTo(0, -100, 200);
jroll.scrollTo(100, 100, 0, true);
jroll.scrollTo(0, 100, 400, false, function() {
Enable the slide, use disable to disable the method can be re-opened after sliding
So that it can not slide
Destroy the jroll instance
Scaling, only accept an integer / floating-point parameters
When the instance is moved in the slide, the instance to which it is transferred is returned. Suitable for nested sliding when the inner layer slides to the end to start sliding the outer layer of the scene.
/* 例:
* jroll1在外层,包裹jroll2
* jroll2在滑动到达指定条件时将滚动权交给jroll1
/* Example:
* Jroll1 in the outer layer, wrapped jroll2
* Jroll2 scrolls to jroll1 when the specified condition is reached
var pos;
var jroll1 = new JRoll("#wrapper", {bounce:true});
var jroll2 = new JRoll("#inner", {bounce:true});
jroll2.on("scrollStart", function() {
pos = this.y;
jroll2.on("scroll", function(e) {
if ((this.y-pos > 0 && pos === 0) || (this.y-pos < 0 && pos === this.maxScrollY)) {
//Transfer to jroll1, e);
JRoll provides a total of eight events, each of which can add behavior multiple times. The "this" in the event points to the jroll instance.
Slide starts when executed
jroll.on("scrollStart", function() {
//Outputs the current x offset, this points to the jroll instance
The sliding process is performed
jroll.on("scroll", function() {
//todo something
When the end of the sliding implementation
jroll.on("scrollEnd", function() {
//todo something
Executed when the user releases a finger, before the scroll end is later than the scroll event
jroll.on("touchEnd", function() {
//todo something
Executes when scaling begins
jroll.on("zoomStart", function() {
//todo something
Scaling is performed during zooming
jroll.on("zoom", function() {
//todo something
Scaling is performed
jroll.on("zoomEnd", function() {
//todo something
Use jroll.refresh()
to refresh the implementation
jroll.on("refresh", function() {
//todo something
var jroll = new JRoll("#wrapper");
jroll.on("scroll", function() {
if (this.s === "scrollY") {
//todo something
} else {
//todo order something
The jroll.s
represents status, and six possible values
The initial state, without any sliding operationpreScroll
Ready to start slidingpreZoom
Ready to start zoomingscrollX
Sliding is in progressscrollY
Vertical sliding is in progressscrollFree
Slide in the vertical and horizontal direction
注意:JRoll v2.3.0以下版本的min压缩文件的jroll.s值用1、2、3、4、5表示preScroll、preZoom、scrollX、scrollY、scrollFree。在JRoll v2.3.0版本开始与未压缩版保持一致,当初真不应该为了节省那丁点字节取用数字压缩的。
Note: JRoll v2.3.0 the following min compressed file jroll.s values 1,2,3,4,5 said preScroll, preZoom, scrollX, scrollY, scrollFree. In the beginning of JRoll v2.3.0 and uncompressed version of the original line should not be saved in order to save the number of bytes to use digital compression.
var jroll = JRoll("#wrapper");
jroll.on("scrollEnd", function() {
if (this.y === this.maxScrollY) {
For more information about the properties of the jroll instance, look for the jroll instance in your browser's console output.
As long as the scrollBar / scrollBar Y value for the string, that is, open the custom scroll bar, you need to write their own style.
滚动条对样式定位有些特殊要求,自定义滚动条大小、颜色时需要先将默认样式拷贝下来,再对 .jroll-ybar/.jroll-xbar 和 .jroll-ybtn/.jroll-xbtn 进行修改。
The scroll bar has some special requirements for style positioning. To customize the scroll bar size and color, you need to copy the default style first, then modify the .jroll-ybar / .jroll-xbar and .jroll-ybtn / .jroll-xbtn.
var jroll = new JRoll("#wrapper", {
scrollBarY: "custom",
scrollBarFade: true
If your page needs to play video, you can not swipe <video> under certain Android devices, you can use the following methods to solve.
Non-play state of its performance as controls like controls can not capture touchstart and other events, it can not use JRoll sliding, transparent div can be resolved.
<div id="parent">
<video id="video" controls="controls">
<source src="./video.ogg" type="video/ogg">
<div class="fixed-video-scroll"></div>
var video = document.getElementById("video");
document.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
if ( === "fixed-video-scroll") {
if (video.paused) {;
} else {
- 使#parent为相对定位,video的宽度为100%,高度可自动也可自己计算
- div.fixed-video-scroll绝对定位,覆盖video,高度为video的高度减去44px,确保不会遮挡controls
- 添加事件,点击div.fixed-video-scroll时执行播放或暂停操作
- Make #parent relative positioning, video width of 100%, height can also be calculated automatically
absolute positioning, covering video, the height of the height of video minus 44px, to ensure that will not obscure controls- To add an event, click on
to play or pause
Comments box attached to the bottom of the soft keyboard with the rise of the function seems to be very popular with customers, the demand for using H5 technology is very powerless, fixed positioning failure, third-party input method does not change the window height resulting in input is blocked, IOS automatically move input to the wrong location, and so the problem has become the greatest resistance.
At present, the more feasible solutions are:
- 点击评论时弹出浮动窗,使输入框位于上半屏。
- 切换到新页面进行输入操作。
- Click on the comment pop-up floating window, so that the input box in the upper half screen.
- Switch to a new page for input.
These two designs are clever to avoid the input box is the case of the soft keyboard block, you can refer to this article WebAPP输入框被软键盘遮挡肿么办?
JRoll uses the translate3d to scroll through the page, listen for input focus events, use the scrollTo method to move the input box to the visible position, and solve the occluded problem on Android. look jroll-fixedinput组件
The IOS device automatically adjusts the position of the input box, although sometimes this position is not what we want. Unfortunately I have not found H5 IOS automatic movement of the importation of prohibited positions.
JRoll is inspired byiScroll