This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently using @vitejs/plugin-react (Built on Babel) for Fast Refresh
The default routes of home ("/") and about ("/about") have been setup, with a root layout available in __root.tsx
TanStack Router was setup using this manual setup guide, using the file-based routing approach.
Mantine was setup using their vite guide
All the required stylesheets for these packages have been imported in main.tsx, and the two required Providers for Mantine and Modals have also been setup in main.tsx.
Here is Mantines learning resource: link
These Mantine packages have been installed as part of this template:
- @mantine/core
- @mantine/hooks
- @mantine/dates
- dayjs
- @mantine/form
- @mantine/dropzone
- @mantine/carousel
- embla-carousel-react@^7.1.0
- @mantine/modals
- @mantine/spotlight
Supabase JS client has been installed as an npm package using their guide.
And then in this project, the few boilerplate lines of code to initialize the client has been hidden away in getSupabaseClient.js
Edit the 2 variables: SUPABASE_URL
, to match the values from your Supabase project.