- 👋 Heya! I'm UwUguasho, a trans girl CS student from Spain who's a total noob, currently learning how to make games for both modern and old hardware :p
- 👀 I love the nintendo DS and i want to develop software for it (once i get ahold of myself and learn stuff lol)
- 🌱 I’m currently in my second year of career, i may find a job after I finish it, and want to then join a Unity course :3
- 💞️ I'd love to collaborate with people on their projects, just keep in mind i am new to basically... every framework and language that exists hehe
- 📫 You can reach out to me in my Discord DMs at @UwUguasho
- 😄 My pronouns are She/Her
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am autistic, a trans girl and play guilty gear and love the nintendo DS, who would've thougth?
//I really wish this readme was good enough aaaaaaa