This stack contains packages related to manipulators, such as:
- 3R_Manipulator_Firmware
- Heracles_Firmware
- manipulator_controller_cpp
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ..
See the usage explanation accessing each package in the repository or the overview below
- xz_controller_node
- Receives: Point() - goal point
- Publishes: set_angles() - arm angles that reach the input point (in plane XZ)
- xy_controller_node
- Receives: Point() - goal point
- Publishes: Twist() - velocity command that makes robot turn (in plane XY)
- setpoint_publisher_node
- Publishes: Point() - can define a new point by pressing space
OMB: ombro
COT: cotovelo
PUN: punho
GAR: garra
- Set arm lengths
- Set angular corrections
- Set acceptable yaw error (for XY twist)
- Set Kp constant used in PID (for XY twist)
- Set whether or not display debug info ```
roslaunch manipulator_controller_cpp setpoint_xy.launch # only xy
roslaunch manipulator_controller_cpp setpoint_xz.launch # only xz
roslaunch manipulator_controller_cpp setpoint_xyz.launch # combines xy and xz
Pre-requisite: download and install Arduino IDE
Pre-requisite: custom headers compilation
Since we have ROS custom messages defining new types of ROS messages, we need to compile them specifically for the Arduinos
# Compile catkin_ws
cd ~/catkin_ws
# Install rosserial_arduino
sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosserial-arduino
# Create libraries folder
mkdir -p ~/Arduino/libraries
cd ~/Arduino/libraries
# Run make_libraries in the current folder
# Make sure you have sourced ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosrun rosserial_arduino .
Compilation (with Arduino IDE)
- Open Arduino IDE
- Select board (Mega 2560)
- Click Verify to check code problems
- Plug Arduino to PC and upload the firmware to it
- Find out the name of the port used by the Arduino in the PC
- Connect board to PC via USB
- Go to
and find out the ID of your device
- This file is actually a symlink to the PORT NAME
- If you run
ls -la /dev/serial/by-id/YOUR_ID
, you will find out that it points to a file called/dev/SOMETHING
. This is the PORT NAME - PORT NAME may vary if you plug multiple devices or reset the PC
- PORT ID is static
- Therefore, you should use PORT ID whenever you can
Run rosserial_python
# Install rosserial_python
sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosserial-python
rosrun rosserial_python _port:=/dev/PORT_NAME_OR_ID _baud:=57600
WARNING Serial communication is exclusive. This means you won't be able to simultaneously run rosserial, upload new firmware or monitor serial