This snippet allows the customer to see their previously ordered items and quickly add them to the cart. This code loops through a customer's orders and displays each line item as part of the carousel. Each item is displayed with Product Image, Product Title, Exact variant option, Price, and a quick add to cart button.
From your theme code editor navigate to your snippets folder. Click 'Add a new snippet', name it whatever you please, and copy/paste the snippet from the liquid file in the repository. Congratulations! You may now render this snippet anywhere on your website using:
{% render 'your-snippet-name' %}
Depending on use case, you might want to only display this if a customer is logged in with order history. For this use case wrap the snippet code with the following:
{% if customer.orders_count > 0 %}
{% render 'your-snippet-name' %}
{% endif %}
Don't forget to add your CSS! Happy Coding!