A configurable PocketMine-MP plugin allows you to say welcome to a new player joining the server, and earn a reward for your kindness!
Command | Permission | Default | Description |
/welcome |
saywelcome.welcom | true |
Allow the player to welcome new players |
# __ __ ___ ____ _ _____ _ _
# \ \ / / |__ \ / __ \ (_)/ ____| | (_)
# \ \ / /__ _ __ _ __ ___ ) | | | |_ _ _| (___ | | ___
# \ \/ / _ \ '__| '__/ _ \ / /| | | | | | | |\___ \| |/ / |
# \ / __/ | | | | __// /_| |__| | |_| | |____) | <| |
# \/ \___|_| |_| \___|____|\____/ \__,_|_|_____/|_|\_\_|
# Do you have a problem ?
# Discord (en) : https://discord.gg/P8R4WhARrY
# Discord (fr) : https://discord.gg/DnmRbAxMbN
# Time before you can no longer welcome
welcome_time: "01:00"
# --= Chat
# Message when new player join
new_player: "§2§l» §r§a{player} joined the server for the first time\nWelcome him !"
# Message sent by the player who said welcome
- "Welcome @{player} !"
- "Hey @{player} !"
- "Hi @{player} ! Welcome to the server!"
- "Welcome @{player} ! I hope you like the server!"
# --= Commands
# Message when there is no new player
no_new_player: "§cThere are no new player at this moment..."
# Message when the player has already said welcome to the new player
already_say_welcome: "§cYou have already say welcome to {player}"
# Message when the player tries to welcome himself
is_new_player: "§cYou can't say welcome to you !"
# Command to execute when player say welcome to new player
# exemple : give {player} 264 4
- "give {player} 264 4" # give 4 diamonds to the player who said welcome
- "give {player} 265 10" # give 10 iron ingots to the player who said welcome