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Product Roadmap

Elizabeth Goodman edited this page Feb 26, 2018 · 5 revisions

🔍 Show me what's out there

Helping users asking Role Release goal
What jobs does the State Department have? Bidder Now
When will those jobs be available? Bidder Now
What can you tell me about the locations of those jobs? Bidder Now

👤 Remember who I am

Helping users asking Role Release goal
Can you confirm I am who I say I am? Bidders, Career Development Officers (CDOs), Bureau Users,Assignment Officers (AOs) Now
Will you remember my attributes and preferences? Same Now
Can you structure my professional history into a glanceable form? Bidders Soon

🗺 Help me select and apply for positions

Helping users asking Role Release goal
How can I be considered for a position that I want? Bidders Soon
How do I apply for a position that I want? Bidders Soon
Can you help me spend less time calculating eligibility? CDOs Soon

📩 List and market my available positions

Helping users asking Role Release goal
How do I get my positions listed for bidders to apply? AO and Bureau users Later

⁉️ Tell me what's going on

Helping users asking Role Release goal
Who are the eligible applicants I can select for a position I have listed? Bureau user Soon
How do I find out where a bidder is in the process of consideration for a position? Bidders and CDOs Soon
How do I know if I have the job or not? Bidder Soon
How do I know if a candidate wants the job or not? Bureau user Soon

✅ Keep me organized

Helping users asking Role Release goal
What clients am I responsible for? CDO, AO Soon
What clients need my help most? CDO, AO Soon
What do I need to do right now? Bidders, CDO, AO, Bureau users Soon
How can I take over a predecessor's tasks? CDO, AO, Bureau users Soon

📊 Tell me about my workforce, quicker

Helping users asking Role Release goal
Where do we have holes in our breadth and depth of skillsets vs the organization’s current-state? CDO, AO Later
How do we collect and report out bidding data? CDO, AO, Bureau Later

🔑 Limit access and action privileges to the right people

Helping users asking Role Release goal
Who is allowed to view sensitive information? All Soon
How do I get specific roles? HR/CDA Soon
How do I determine who has access to specific privileges and capabilities? HR/CDA Soon

🤝 Integrate TalentMAP into the State Department environment

Helping users asking Role Release goal
How does this system work with the State Department infrastructure and existing systems? HR/CDA; State IT Now
Can State validate my identity and information? All Soon
How will I learn about and train for use of this system? All Soon
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