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疯狂粒子 MadParticle


疯狂粒子受ExtinguishTeacon 2022中的表现启发, 是一个主要适用于数据包和服务器的模组。依靠粒子贴图的再利用而不是新增加,有几乎无穷多的粒子可供您营造各种场景。


Inspired by unexpected usage of Extinguish in Teacon 2022, MadParticle is mainly developed for data packs and servers. Relying on the reuse of particle textures, instead of adding new textures, we provide almost infinite number of particles for you to create various scenes.

Command /madparticle is the most important part of this mod. The guideline of this mod can be found at . English translation maybe delayed or out-of-date.

版权和许可|Copyrights and Licenses

Copyright (C) 2022-2024 USS_Shenzhou

本模组是自由软件,你可以再分发之和/或依照由自由软件基金会发布的 GNU 通用公共许可证修改之,无论是版本 3 许可证,还是(按你的决定)任何以后版都可以。

发布这个模组是希望它能有用,但是并无保障;甚至连可销售和符合某个特定的目的都不保证。请参看 GNU 通用公共许可证,了解详情。

Copyright (C) 2022-2024 USS_Shenzhou

This mod is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

额外许可|Additional permissions

为便于理解以及消歧义,我们将原有的关于Minecraft模组的GNU GPL版本3第7节额外授权更改为以下表述。

a)当你作为游戏玩家,加载本程序于Minecraft并游玩时,本许可证自动地授予你一切为正常加载本程序于Minecraft并游玩所必要的、不在GPL-3.0许可证内容中、或是GPL-3.0许可证所不允许的权利。如果GPL-3.0许可证内容与Minecraft EULA或其他Mojang/微软条款产生冲突,以后者为准。


To facilitate understanding and disambiguation, we are modifying the original Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 for Minecraft mods as follows:

a) As a game player, when you load and play this program in Minecraft, this license automatically grants you all rights necessary, which are not covered in the GPL-3.0 license, or are prohibited by the GPL-3.0 license, for the normal loading and playing of this program in Minecraft. In case of conflicts between the GPL-3.0 license and the Minecraft EULA or other Mojang/Microsoft terms, the latter shall prevail.

b) As a Minecraft mod developer, when you write other Minecraft mods and use this program as your prerequisite (dependency), the use of all content in the cn.usssehnzhou.madparticle.api package is not subject to the "infectious" restrictions of the GPL-3.0 license. However, you still need to prominently indicate the use of this program as a prerequisite (dependency).

其他开源信息|Other Open-source Information

特别鸣谢|Special thanks to

  • 感谢zomb_676为shimmer联动做出的贡献。

  • JetBrains Logo (Main) logo
