The goal of DiannReportGenerator is to make a new document that contains, for each sample, the "MaxLFQ Intensity" and "Number of Peptides Quantified" for every Protein Group.
Precursors are filtered by both Library Q-Value and Protein Group Library Q-Value at 0.01 and PEP of 0.5, and keratin IDs are removed. After filtering, MaxLFQ-based quantification ( is performed. The number of precursors/peptides that were quantified within a given protein group is counted and the data is then tidied to long format where every row corresponds to a protein group (reported as the FASTA accession number) and the rows contain:
Gene Name
Protein Name
MaxLFQ Intensity for each sample
Number of Peptides for each sample
Prior to installing this package, you will need to install the latest version of RTools along with the "DiaNN R Package" developed by the Demichev lab. You can download and install RTools from here:
DiaNN R Package can be found here:
You can install DiannReportGenerator from:
In short, instructions are as follows:
Put the name of the main DIA-NN report in quotes, followed by whatever you wish to call the new document in quotes.