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Research project ideas

Pete Bachant edited this page Jan 17, 2015 · 3 revisions

Measuring the true angle of attack of a cross-flow turbine blade

  • Would help modelers determine where to look upstream for assessing incoming velocity.
  • Use PIV or mount a velocity/pressure probe to a blade.

Comparing the near-wakes of cross-flow and axial-flow turbines

  • Obtain or build an axial-flow turbine with similar frontal area to the RVAT or RM2.
  • Do some measurements in the tow tank.
  • Do some CFD.

Investigating free surface disturbances caused by vertical-axis turbines

  • Measure free surface behind turbine being towed in tow tank.
    • Use a wave staff.
    • Use a video camera and image processing--maybe track a towed array of floats.
  • Compare with simulations performed with interFoam using the turbinesFoam actuator line model.

Control parameters for cross-flow turbines

  • In tow tank, observe how various parameters adjusted inside the AKD drive change performance, e.g., the slider tuning seemed to decrease performance of the RVAT as the drive was "stiffened."
  • Develop a generator model for turbinesFoam, which integrates with the CFT actuator line model to modulate shaft angular velocity.
    • Validate against experiments.