Swagger-based Smart Device Metadata Specification is a step forward in the Go-Lab Smart Device Metadata Specification in order to make easy the deployment Smart Device services.
This Specification keeps backward compatibility, so any Smart Device service based on Go-Lab Specification can be described by our Swagger-based Specification.
The changes between one specification and the other are simple and all of them are relative to migrate the Swagger 1.2 JSON to the Swagger 2.0 JSON.
If you have a Smart Device service described by our Specification, your service clients can use the Smart Device JavaScript library included in this repository.
This library is a fork of swagger-js, but mainly adding support for WebSockets as a protocol.
- Sensor: CPU Load
- Actuator: Dummy register
There are two implementations for this server:
- ws-based: node.js + express + ws
- socketio-based: node.js + express + socket.io
The Smart Device client is a simple web page that uses Smart Devive JS library. It uses a service metadata described by our Swagger-based Smart Device Metadata Specification.
var wsclient = new SmartDeviceClient({
url: "../metadata/metadata_ws_2.0.json", // service metadata
success: function () {
var request = {
authToken: "",
method: "getSensorData",
sensorId: "mycpu",
updateFrequency: 100,
accessRole: "controller"
wsclient.sensor.getSensorData ({message: request}, {responseContentType: 'application/json'},
function(data) {
// do something with data
Smart Device Metadata Specification (original):
- Go-Lab (https://github.com/go-lab)
Swagger-based Smart Device Metadata Specification:
- Felix J. Garcia (https://github.com/felixgarcia)
- Luis de la Torre (https://github.com/Ravenink)
Este trabajo es resultado de la estancia 19937/EE/15 financiada por la Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia con cargo al Programa “Jiménez de la Espada” de Movilidad Investigadora, Cooperación e Internacionalización.