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Special Characters
Developers Install this user script in Tampermonkey (Chromium) or Greasemonkey (Firefox) to validate, test and export the data on this page. Install the script then return to this page. It will add a toolbar at the bottom.
Start every letter with a second-level heading (##
Use a unique, short description of the letter as the heading. Use only lowercase letters and hyphens, no spaces (this makes it easy to link).
In the section use one bulleted *
Every list item contains of a variable name (label) and one or more values, separated by colon :
Multiple values are separated by semicolon ;
All variable names that have free text values must be suffixed with the 2-letter language code in brackets, e.g. (en)
Upload all samples to the ocr-characters
folder of the ubma-screenshots project and link them from there.
* Name (de): ae Ligatur
* Base Letter: a; e; ae
\_______/ \ | /
Variable Values
These variables are available (required):
: This is the Unicode letter (or combination of letters) which should be recognized and entered for this special character. -
: One or more sample images, consisting of an<a>
that links to the landing page that contains this sample and inside the link, an<img>
with the actual letter. You can use Markdown for this, if you wish. -
Base Letter
: A List of related letters, which can be easily entered (i.e. mainly ASCII letters) and which can be used for searching or sorting for the correct recognition. Related letters can be for example the unaccented version of the special character or some otherwise similar letter. -
Name (en|de)
: Human readable name of the letter, qualified by language (for display) -
Shortcut (Windows)
: Keyboard shortcut to produce the letter in Windows -
Shortcut (Linux)
: Keyboard shortcut to produce the letter in Linux -
: Links to related entries in this page. -
Notes (en|de)
: Notes, can include links
- Recognition: â
- Base Letter: a
- Name (de): Kleines a betont mit Circumflex
- Name (en): Lowercase a stressed with circumflex
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): ^a; Alt+0226
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+00e2
- Recognition: à
- Base Letter: a
- Name (de): Kleines a betont mit Gravis
- Name (en): Lowercase e stressed with grave
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): shift+´a; Alt+0224
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+00e0
- Recognition: ç
- Base Letter: c
- Name (de): Kleines a betont mit Cedille
- Name (en): Lowercase e stressed with cedilla
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt Gr+´c; Alt+0231
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+00e7
- Recognition: é
- Base Letter: e
- Name (de): Kleines e betont mit Akut
- Name (en): Lowercase e stressed with acute
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): ´e; Alt+0233
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+00e9
- Recognition: ê
- Base Letter: e
- Name (de): Kleines e betont mit Circumflex
- Name (en): Lowercase e stressed with circumflex
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): ^e; Alt+0234
- Shortcut (Linux): ^e; Strg+Shift+U+00ea
- Recognition: ë
- Base Letter: e
- Name (de): Kleines e betont mit Trema/Umlaut
- Name (en): Lowercase e stressed with diaeresis
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0235
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+00eb
- Recognition: è
- Base Letter: e
- Name (de): Kleines e betont mit Gravis
- Name (en): Lowercase e stressed with grave
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Shift+´e; Alt+0232
- Shortcut (Linux): Shift+´e; Strg+Shift+U+00e8
- Recognition: ē
- Base Letter: e
- Name (de): Kleines e betont mit Makron
- Name (en): Lowercase e stressed with macron
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0275
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+0113
- Recognition: ō
- Base Letter: o
- Name (de): Kleines o betont mit Makron
- Name (en): Lowercase o stressed with macron
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0333
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+01D4
- Recognition: ū
- Base Letter: u
- Name (de): Kleines u betont mit Makron
- Name (en): Lowercase u stressed with macron
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0363
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+016B
- Recognition: ï
- Base Letter: i
- Name (de): Kleines i betont mit Trema/Umlaut
- Name (en): Lowercase i stressed with diaeresis
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0239
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+00EF
- Recognition: ô
- Base Letter: o
- Name (de): Kleines o betont mit Circumflex
- Name (en): Lowercase i stressed with circumflex
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0244
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+00F4
- Recognition: û
- Base Letter: u
- Name (de): Kleines u betont mit Circumflex
- Name (en): Lowercase u stressed with circumflex
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): ^u; Alt+0251
- Shortcut (Windows): ^u; Strg+Shift+U+00FB
- Recognition: ct
- Base Letter: ct; c; t
- Name (de): ct-Ligatur
- Name (en): ct ligature
- Sample:
- Notes (de): Konsonantische Ligaturen werden grundsätzlich gespalten
- Notes (en): Consonantal ligatures are principally to be split
- Recognition: Æ
- Base Letter: AE; A; E
- Name (de): Große AE-Ligatur
- Name (en): Uppercase AE ligature
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0198
- Shortcut (Linux): Alt Gr+Shifta; Strg+Shift+U+00C6
- Recognition: st
- Base Letter: st; s; t
- Name (de): st-ligatur mit scharfem S
- Name (en): st ligature with sharp s
- Sample:
- Recognition: ss
- Base Letter: ss; ff; s; ſſ
- Name (de): ss-Ligatur mit langem s
- Name (en): ss ligature with sharp s
- Sample:
- Recognition: si
- Base Letter: si; ſi
- Name (de): si-Ligatur mit langem s
- Name (en): si ligature with sharp s
- Sample:
- Recognition: ssi
- Base Letter: ssi; ſſi
- Name (de): ssi-Ligatur mit langem s
- Name (en): ssi ligature with sharp s
- Sample:
- Recognition: ꝰ
- Base Letter: 9; '
- Name (de): Hochgestellte 9 als Vorläufer des Apostrophs
- Name (en): Superscripted 9 as precedant of the apostrophe
- Sample:
- Notes (de): Steht für
(Genitiv, Wortendung), vgl. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scribal_abbreviation#Marks_with_independent_meaning
- Recognition: &
- Base Letter: e; t; &
- Name (de): Alte lateinische et-Ligatur oder Kaufmanns-Und
- Name (en): Old latin et ligature or ampersand
- Sample:
- Recognition: æ
- Base Letter: a; e; ae
- Name (de): Kleine ae-Ligatur
- Name (en): Lowercase ae ligature
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0230
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+00E6
- Recognition: œ
- Base Letter: o; e; oe
- Name (de): Kleine oe-Ligatur
- Name (en): Lowercase oe ligature
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0156
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+0153
- Recognition: ij
- Base Letter: i; j; ij
- Name (de): Kleine ij-Ligatur
- Name (en): Lowercase ij ligature
- Sample:
- Recognition: que
- Base Letter: q; u; e; que; B
- Name (de): Lateinische "-que"-Ligatur
- Name (en): Latin "-que" ligature
- Sample:
- Recognition: ζ
- Base Letter: z
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches zeta
- Name (en): Lowercase greek zeta
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Windows): Alt+0950
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03B6
- Recognition: †
- Base Letter: +; t
- Name (de): Kreuz
- Name (en): Cross
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+2020
- Recognition: γ
- Base Letter: g
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Gamma
- Name (en): Lowercase greek gamma
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03B3
- Recognition: χ
- Base Letter: c; h
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Chi
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Chi
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03C7
- Recognition: ψ
- Base Letter: p; s
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Psi
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Psi
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03C8
- Recognition: ω
- Base Letter: o
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Omega
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Omega
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03C9
- Recognition: α
- Base Letter: a
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Alpha
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Alphqa
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03B1
- Recognition: β
- Base Letter: a
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Beta
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Beta
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03B2
- Recognition: π
- Base Letter: p
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Pi
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Pi
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03C0
- Recognition: ρ
- Base Letter: r
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Rho
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Rho
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03C1
- Recognition: ο
- Base Letter: o
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Omikron
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Omikron
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03BF
- Recognition: μ
- Base Letter: m
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches My
- Name (en): Lowercase greek My
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03BC
- Recognition: ν
- Base Letter: n
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Ny
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Ny
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03BD
- Recognition: ξ
- Base Letter: x
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Xi
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Xi
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03BE
- Recognition: η
- Base Letter: e
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Eta
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Eta
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03B7
- Recognition: ϑ
- Base Letter: t; h
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Theta
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Theta
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03B8; Strg+Shift+U+03D1
- Recognition: ι
- Base Letter: i
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Iota
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Iota
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03B9
- Recognition: ϰ
- Base Letter: k
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Kappa
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Kappa
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03BA; Strg+Shift+U+03F0
- Recognition: λ
- Base Letter: l
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Lambda
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Lambda
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03BB
- Recognition: σ
- Base Letter: s; z
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Sigma
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Sigma
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03C3; Strg+Shift+U+03C2
- Recognition: τ
- Base Letter: t
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Tau
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Tau
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03C4
- Recognition: υ
- Base Letter: i; u; v; f
- Name (de): Kleines griechisches Ypsilon
- Name (en): Lowercase greek Ypsilon
- Sample:
- Shortcut (Linux): Strg+Shift+U+03C5; Strg+Shift+U+03D2