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Release Webinar Kitchen Sync Demo

This demo was presented at the February 8th, 2021 Twilio Release Webinar to showcase Twilio Sync. Kitchen Sync is a fictional food delivery service application that uses Twilio Sync for Group Order voting. This is the voting portion of the demo, and should not be used in a production environment.

Developers use Twilio Sync to build two-way, real-time communication between browsers, mobile phones, and the cloud. Sync is a powerful, low-level tool, so you should make sure your use case fits and designs your application to harness its functionality.

A Twilio account is required to run this application.

Quick Start

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Go inside the directory
cd kitchen-sync

# Install dependencies
yarn (or npm install)

# Start development server
yarn dev (or npm run dev)

# Build for production
yarn build (or npm run build)

# Start production server
yarn start (or npm start)

Set environment files

Rename .example.env to .env. Follow the instructions below to set your environment variables.

Variable Name Where to get it
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID Find your account Sid in the Project Info pane in the Console.
TWILIO_API_KEY Create an API Key via the REST API or Console.
TWILIO_API_SECRET Create an API Key via the REST API or Console.
TWILIO_SYNC_SERVICE_SID Create a Sync Service Sid via the REST API or Console.

Running the application

  1. Type npm run dev in Terminal
  2. Open the webpage


Q1 2021 Twilio Release Webinar Sync Demo







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