pyLoad automation with the awesome Program FileBot by rednoah These are scripts to have a automated sorting for Movies and Series you download with pyLoad
check the scripts and edit it to suite your needs!
u dont need to use my scripts - maybe just some inspiration!
edit the Global Variables to suite your environment and Copy the file to ~/pyload/scripts/unrar_finished; ~/pyload/scripts/package_finished
than activate the "external scripts" plugin in pyLoad
disable deep extraction
restart pyLoad
see the magic happen
difference between the 2 scripts, is, that package_finished also sorts blank downloaded files that are not packed
Some additional stuff happening to the moved File
- remove non-german Tracks (to save space on my NASHD)
- Convert DTS to AC3 (to save space on my NASHD)
- modify creation date (to have it stored "recently added" in XBMC)
- make it read / writeable for everyone (something i need to do)
- send email with location of the file and changed filesize (nice to have) uses this script to remove all non-ger Audiotracks
Es checkt nach einem (selbst definierbarem) Interval ab (Cinedubs, Filme, top-rls) Dabei kann man ein minimum an IMDB Rating angeben und die Qualität festlegen was dann schlussendlich dem pyLoad hinzugefügt werden soll.
die Datei ist einzufügen in: ~/.pyload/userplugins/hooks/ pyload neustarten und Plugin aktivieren
viel spass damit.