A helpful API to communicate directly to tristansmp.com
You can use this on your own server, credit to me or TristanSMP would be nice. Keep in mind you may want to edit the code as it has no config. Default port is 25567
"repair": 24,
"fishing": 1,
"axes": 56,
"swords": 620,
"powerLevel": 3742,
"alchemy": 1,
"Herbalism": 210,
"mining": 778,
"error": false,
"acrobatics": 1068,
"woodcutting": 128,
"excavation": 620,
"unarmed": 13,
"archery": 192,
"taming": 31
https://pipe.tristansmp.com/players/username/twisttaan/stats (only works when player is online, will fix soon)
"discordId": "97470053615673344",
"error": false,
"uuid": "f5e658ea-fe2a-4ea7-8df1-d5c08af78a69",
"discordTag": "tristan#0005",
"discordName": "tristan",
"username": "twisttaan"
"discordId": "97470053615673344",
"error": false,
"uuid": "f5e658ea-fe2a-4ea7-8df1-d5c08af78a69",
"discordTag": "tristan#0005",
"discordName": "tristan",
"username": "twisttaan"
If this helped you donating would be very kind as I do this as a hobby but hosting all this infrastructure costs quite a bit. https://www.tristansmp.com/donate