Writing clean efficient code is what adds real value when programing enterprise software. It's also proven that the quality of the code is directly correlated to the capability of the product.
Determine for yourself how processing numbers digitally provides great benefit to servicing consumer demand quicker along with the continued prevention of worthless errors and frauds.
Check out the 'Banking Functions' math on GitHub now specifically written by ToucheComm for open source utilizing one of the most common developer coding languages online... 'JavaScript'.
The Future Value (FV) function helps calculate the future value of investments made by a business, assuming periodic, constant payments with a constant interest rate.
It is useful in evaluating low-risk investments such as certificates of deposit or fixed rate annuities with low interest rates. It can also be used in relation to interest paid on loans.
The Present Value (PV) is used to calculate the dollar value of future payments in the present time. For multiple payments, we assume periodic, fixed payments and a fixed interest rate.
Alternatively, the function can also be used to calculate the present value of a single future value.
The PPMT function will calculate the payment on the principal for a loan or an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a fixed interest rate for a given period of time.