To run on Linux/Unix, invoke with ./. The proper permissions should be set if the repository is cloned with git.
dos-works-unix-works.bat -- This should work on both MS-DOS/Windows and Unix/Linux
dos-works-unix-fails.bat -- This should fail to work properly on Unix/Linux, because of improper line endings.
dos-fails-unix-fails.bat -- This should fail to work properly on both DOS and Linux, because of improper (Classic Mac) line endings.
dos-fails-unix-works.bat -- This should fail to work on DOS, but work on Linux. To be honest, I had to go out of my way to make this, so it's unlikely to be encountered normally, and might not work on some Unix systems, either, for all I know.
Note: This is a demonstration of the effects of line endings, not a tutorial on portability. Writings scripts without comments or a shebang at the top is a bad idea.