Algorithm implementation in c++ for competitive programming purpose
- Magic square minimum cost
- permutation
- 01 knapsack
- Matrix Chain Multiplication
- Array compression
- BIT Range update Range query
- BIT, Fenwick tree
- Segment tree lazy prop
- Sparse Table
- Without lazy segment tree
- segment tree max lazy prop
- BFS , level of each node
- DFS tree
- Minimum edge from x to y
- kruskal
- prims
- Fractional Knapsack
- Big Factorials
- Big Mod
- Bitwise sieve
- Consecutive odd and even sum
- Extended GCD
- NOD and SOD using prime factorization
- Phi sieve
- Phi(n)
- Segment Sieve
- Sieve in linear
- fact mod by value
- negative mod
- prime factorization
- prime sieve
- Binary search
- Ternary Search
- Count sort
- Merge sort
- Struct Compare
- KMP algorithm
- string counting sort
- Big Integer C++ library
- GCC Compiler Optimization
- Maximum Histogram