documents, developed by the
Vue3, Electron
framework and provides installation packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux systems.
Detailed information can be obtained on the ficus website.
Rich Text Mode
Source Code Mode
Ficus Tree Mode
Ficus Forest Mode
Ficus Graph Mode
You can download the packaged application directly from the download link.
If you want to build it yourself, it is recommended to use the node v16.19.1 version and install the yarn package manager. Run the following commands in the shell:
git clone
cd ./Ficus/
yarn install
yarn electron:build
The resulting build can be found in Ficus/dist_electron/linux_unpacked
or Ficus/dist_electron/win_unpacked
Please note that the installation path cannot contain Chinese, and for Windows users, only the Only for me
option is supported in the installation program:
It is recommended to use the node v16.19.1 version and install the yarn package manager. Run the following commands in the shell:
git clone
cd ./Ficus/
yarn install
yarn electron:serve
The project architecture is as shown in the figure.
The project directory structure is as follows:
├── build: Resources required for building
├── public: Art style resources
│ └── css
│ └── content-theme
├── src: Project source code
│ ├── common: Public resources
│ ├── IR: FicIR
│ │ ├── block: IR basic data structure
│ │ │ ├── base
│ │ │ │ ├── content: Node information
│ │ │ │ ├── linkedList
│ │ │ │ └── type: Type
│ │ │ └── factory: Factory method
│ │ ├── component: IR top-level data structure
│ │ ├── history: History record
│ │ ├── manager: Data manager, the only external interface
│ │ └── utils: External tools
│ │ └── marked: Markdown lexical analyzer
│ ├── main: Electron backend
│ │ ├── filesystem: File operation method
│ │ ├── helper: Utility method
│ │ └── update: Packaging method
│ └── renderer: Vue frontend
│ ├── assets: Front-end static resources
│ ├── components: Vue components
│ │ ├── header: Top bar
│ │ ├── mindEditor: Ficus mode editor
│ │ │ └── assets
│ │ ├── richTextEditor: Rich text editor
│ │ ├── sideBar: Sidebar
│ │ └── textArea: Text editor
│ ├── store: Storage
│ └── utils
│ └── keyboardbinding: Shortcut key binding
└── test: Unit test
├── IR: IR test
│ ├── data
│ ├── factory
│ └── manager
└── main: Main process method test
├── data
└── filesystem
We have also rewritten the software package repositories as follows:
Release Date: April 26, 2023
Description: Alpha version release.
Features Overview:
- WYSIWYG markdown editor
- Open files, open folders
- Basic framework setup
- Hot updates
- Supports Ficus functionality, only supports Ficus diagram display, does not support Ficus diagram editing, and does not support Ficus forest functionality
- Please do not use Ficus to open important files at will, as this version poses a certain risk of clearing user files
Release Date: May 7, 2023
Description: Improved version of the alpha version.
Features Overview:
- New Ficus functionality plugin
- Mathematical formula completion
- Bug fixes based on user feedback
Release Date: June 5, 2023
Description: Pre-release of the beta version.
Features Overview:
- Ficus functionality fully developed
- Editing floating window
- Search and replace
- Preference settings
- Shortcut keys
- Image copy and paste
- After further polishing, startup interface design, and user experience improvement, the final version of beta will be released.
Release Date: June 8, 2023
Description: Pre-release 2 of the beta version.
Features Overview:
- Bug fixes based on user feedback
Release Date: June 13, 2023
Description: Beta version release.
Features Overview:
- Bug fixes based on user feedback
Release Date: June 21, 2023
Description: Beta version 2.
Features Overview:
- Bug fixes based on user feedback
If you are interested in our project, please feel free to join us! You can submit an issue or submit a pull request.
For specific contributions or ways to support us, please refer to here.
gg=G is a software engineering team consisting of seven members from the BeiHang University, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Class of 2020. This is our team blog.
MIT © gg=G