Note taking during work or learn something new.
This project is built using Docsify, please follow their quick start.
- Local:
- Online: ->
version, still have bugs
- First pilot experiment with
- Load documents (Markdown files) in specific folders like
Obsidian Vault
and other project docs dynamically by configure in Settings. _sidebar
should watch changes in the specific directory and update automatically.- Should support
properties - YAML front mater
to publish the articles/docs by detect flag namedpublish = true
- No hosting required. Use GitHub Pages to publish this website.
- Sidebar & navbar should manually identical together
- Option 1: How to load notes from
Obsidian Vault
without add them to the repo -> free my time. - Option 2:
notes periodically fromVault
-> it will give version control for publish notes.
- Docusaurus supported Algolia DocSearch for searching in documents (full-text search) and it's free for technical documents.