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The refprop program offers a dynamic library for other programs. However, poor encapsulation and lots of pointers made it powerful in functions and difficult when you want to use it. So a new library is being built for easier use. The library is a standard dll file written in c whitch can be called conveniently by many other languages.

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The refprop program offers a dynamic library for other programs. However, poor encapsulation and lots of pointers made it powerful in functions and difficult when you want to use it. So a new library is being built for easier use. The library is a standard dll file written in c whitch can be called conveniently by many other languages. //// C program written by; // LI Minchao // Tech Center of DongfangBoilerCo. // Chengdu,Sichuan,China //

//This c program rewrote the demonstrates explicitly linking to the subroutines available in // refprop.dll. You can call the subroutines the same way as in the refprop.xls. In order to //link this code hrefprop.h must be available in the current directory. And Environment //Variable "Rpprefix" should first be definated the REFPROP path. You can also package it //into a dll dynamic library to conveniently call the subroutines.

原生refprop的使用太不方便了,所以参考refprop.xls重写了一下接口,方便以后使用。纯C风格,VS2015调试通过。可以打包成dll文件。 接口函数都在hrefprop.h文件里面,可以很方便的进行调用。使用时,先用初始化路径,再初始化混合物,再初始化计算,然后就可以调出物性参数了。 下面是用c++写的一个例子: // This is an example using the "refpropdll.dll" lib with c++ // #include "stdafx.h" #include "windows.h" #include using namespace std; typedef void(__cdecl fp_InitialDLLdllTYPE)(); typedef void(__cdecl fp_SetPathdllTYPE)(); typedef void(__cdecl fp_SetSubstancedllTYPE)(char _FluidnameOrMixturenames); typedef void(__cdecl fp_SetMixdllTYPE)(char _mix); typedef void(__cdecl fp_SetupCaldllTYPE)(char _InpCode, double _Prop1, char _Unit1, double _Prop2, char _Unit2); typedef double(__cdecl fp_MoleWeightdllTYPE)(int _CompFlag); typedef double(__cdecl fp_TemperaturedllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_PressuredllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_DensitydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_LiquidDensitydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_VaporDensitydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_VolumedllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_EnergydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_EnthalpydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_LiquidEnthalpydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_VaporEnthalpydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_EntropydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_LiquidEntropydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_VaporEntropydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_CpdllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_CvdllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_SpeedOfSounddllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_LatentHeatdllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_VaporizationHeatdllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_LHVdllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_LLVdllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_GrossHeatingValuedllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_NetHeatingValuedllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_JouleThomsondllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_MoleFractiondllTYPE)(); typedef double(__cdecl fp_LiquidMoleFractiondllTYPE)(); typedef double(__cdecl *fp_VaporMoleFractiondllTYPE)(); typedef double(__cdecl fp_ViscositydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_ThermalConductivitydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_KinematicViscositydllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_PrandtldllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_SurfaceTensiondllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef double(__cdecl fp_DielectricConstantdllTYPE)(char _Unit); typedef long(__cdecl fp_IerrdllTYPE)(); typedef char(__cdecl *fp_HerrdllTYPE)();

fp_InitialDLLdllTYPE InitialDLL; fp_SetPathdllTYPE SetPath; fp_SetSubstancedllTYPE SetSubstance; fp_SetMixdllTYPE SetMix; fp_SetupCaldllTYPE SetupCal; fp_MoleWeightdllTYPE MoleWeight; fp_TemperaturedllTYPE Temperature; fp_PressuredllTYPE Pressure; fp_DensitydllTYPE Density; fp_LiquidDensitydllTYPE LiquidDensity; fp_VaporDensitydllTYPE VaporDensity; fp_VolumedllTYPE Volume; fp_EnergydllTYPE Energy; fp_EnthalpydllTYPE Enthalpy; fp_LiquidEnthalpydllTYPE LiquidEnthalpy; fp_VaporEnthalpydllTYPE VaporEnthalpy; fp_EntropydllTYPE Entropy; fp_LiquidEntropydllTYPE LiquidEntropy; fp_VaporEntropydllTYPE VaporEntropy; fp_CpdllTYPE Cp; fp_CvdllTYPE Cv; fp_SpeedOfSounddllTYPE SpeedOfSound; fp_LatentHeatdllTYPE LatentHeat; fp_VaporizationHeatdllTYPE VaporizationHeat; fp_LHVdllTYPE LHV; fp_LLVdllTYPE LLV; fp_GrossHeatingValuedllTYPE GrossHeatingValue; fp_NetHeatingValuedllTYPE NetHeatingValue; fp_JouleThomsondllTYPE JouleThomson; fp_MoleFractiondllTYPE MoleFraction; fp_LiquidMoleFractiondllTYPE LiquidMoleFraction; fp_VaporMoleFractiondllTYPE VaporMoleFraction; fp_ViscositydllTYPE Viscosity; fp_ThermalConductivitydllTYPE ThermalConductivity; fp_KinematicViscositydllTYPE KinematicViscosity; fp_PrandtldllTYPE Prandtl; fp_SurfaceTensiondllTYPE SurfaceTension; fp_DielectricConstantdllTYPE DielectricConstant; fp_IerrdllTYPE ierr; fp_HerrdllTYPE herr;

void dll() { HINSTANCE HInstance; HInstance = LoadLibrary(L"refpropdll.dll"); InitialDLL = (fp_InitialDLLdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "InitialDLL"); SetPath = (fp_SetPathdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "SetPath"); SetSubstance = (fp_SetSubstancedllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "SetSubstance"); SetMix = (fp_SetMixdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "SetMix"); SetupCal = (fp_SetupCaldllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "SetupCal"); MoleWeight = (fp_MoleWeightdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "MoleWeight"); Temperature = (fp_TemperaturedllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Temperature"); Pressure = (fp_PressuredllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Pressure"); Density = (fp_DensitydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Density"); LiquidDensity = (fp_LiquidDensitydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "LiquidDensity"); VaporDensity = (fp_VaporDensitydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "VaporDensity"); Volume = (fp_VolumedllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Volume"); Energy = (fp_EnergydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Energy"); Enthalpy = (fp_EnthalpydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Enthalpy"); LiquidEnthalpy = (fp_LiquidEnthalpydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "LiquidEnthalpy"); VaporEnthalpy = (fp_VaporEnthalpydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "VaporEnthalpy"); Entropy = (fp_EntropydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Entropy"); LiquidEntropy = (fp_LiquidEntropydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "LiquidEntropy"); VaporEntropy = (fp_VaporEntropydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "VaporEntropy"); Cp = (fp_CpdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Cp"); Cv = (fp_CvdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Cv"); SpeedOfSound = (fp_SpeedOfSounddllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "SpeedOfSound"); LatentHeat = (fp_LatentHeatdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "LatentHeat"); VaporizationHeat = (fp_VaporizationHeatdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "VaporizationHeat"); LHV = (fp_LHVdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "LHV"); LLV = (fp_LLVdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "LLV"); GrossHeatingValue = (fp_GrossHeatingValuedllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "GrossHeatingValue"); NetHeatingValue = (fp_NetHeatingValuedllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "NetHeatingValue"); JouleThomson = (fp_JouleThomsondllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "JouleThomson"); MoleFraction = (fp_MoleFractiondllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "MoleFraction"); LiquidMoleFraction = (fp_LiquidMoleFractiondllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "LiquidMoleFraction"); VaporMoleFraction = (fp_VaporMoleFractiondllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "VaporMoleFraction"); Viscosity = (fp_ViscositydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Viscosity"); ThermalConductivity = (fp_ThermalConductivitydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "ThermalConductivity"); KinematicViscosity = (fp_KinematicViscositydllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "KinematicViscosity"); Prandtl = (fp_PrandtldllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Prandtl"); SurfaceTension = (fp_SurfaceTensiondllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "SurfaceTension"); DielectricConstant = (fp_DielectricConstantdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "DielectricConstant"); ierr= (fp_IerrdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Ierr"); herr = (fp_HerrdllTYPE)GetProcAddress(HInstance, "Herr"); } int main() { dll(); SetPath(); InitialDLL(); cout<<ierr()<<herr()<<endl; //strcpy_s(fldname,"air"); SetSubstance("nitrogen,oxygen,argon"); //cout << fldname<<endl<<nc<<endl<< ierr() << herr() << endl; SetMix("0.78,0.21,0.01"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cout << "molefrac"<<(double)*(MoleFraction() + i)<<endl; }

SetupCal("PT", 101.3, "kPa", 20, "C");
//cout << ierr() << herr() << endl;
	cout << MoleWeight(0) << endl
	<< Pressure("MPa") << endl
	<< Temperature("K") << endl
	<< Density("kg/m^3") << endl
	<< Enthalpy("kJ/kg") << endl
	<< Entropy("kj/kg-K") << endl
	<< Cv("kJ/kg-K") << endl
	<< Cp("kJ/kg-K") << endl;
//cout << ierr() << herr() << endl;

SetupCal("TLIQ", 100, "C", 0, "");
//cout << ierr() << herr() << endl;

cout << MoleWeight(0) << endl
	<< Pressure("MPa") << endl
	<< Temperature("C") << endl
	<< Density("kg/m^3") << endl
	<< Enthalpy("kJ/kg") << endl
	<< Entropy("kj/kg-K") << endl
	<< Cv("kJ/kg-K") << endl
	<< Cp("kJ/kg-K") << endl;
//cout << ierr() << herr() << endl;

SetupCal("TQ", 100, "C", 0.5, "");
//cout << ierr() << herr() << endl;

cout << MoleWeight(0) << endl
	<< Pressure("MPa") << endl
	<< Temperature("C") << endl
	<< Density("kg/m^3") << endl
	<< Enthalpy("kJ/kg") << endl
	<< Entropy("kj/kg-K") << endl
	<< Cv("kJ/kg-K") << endl
	<< Cp("kJ/kg-K") << endl;
//cout << ierr() << herr() << endl;



The refprop program offers a dynamic library for other programs. However, poor encapsulation and lots of pointers made it powerful in functions and difficult when you want to use it. So a new library is being built for easier use. The library is a standard dll file written in c whitch can be called conveniently by many other languages.






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