qthreadopenglwidget is a small library providing opengl related features for Qt Widgets.
The main class QThreadOpenGLWidget
is a QWidget
providing opengl rendering much like QOpenGLWidget, but using a dedicated rendering thread to offload the GUI thread.
Indeed, using a dedicated rendering thread with QOpenGLWidget
, while probably possible (according to the documentation), is a real pain. I wasn't able to produce a reliable working class with it, which is why I rolled my own class.
provides a similar API to QOpenGLWidget
with the virtual members initializeGL()
, resizeGL()
and paintGL()
. It is possible to override its paintEvent()
to perform QPainter based drawing.
uses a the following approach:
- Using a QPainter on a QThreadOpenGLWidget will use its own custom QPaintEngine.
- The paint engine serializes drawing commands in a structure similar to QPicture (see
class). - Drawing commands are periodically sent to a rendering thread.
- The rendering thread apply the drawing commands in an internal QWindow using QOpenGLPaintDevice. If the opengl thread is slower than the time spent in recording drawing commands, it will discard older commands and only paint the last ones.
This greatly reduces the time spent in QWidget::paintEvent(), allow higher frame rates and increase the GUI responsiveness.
can be used as the viewport of a QGraphicsView, as the class was primary made for this. Indeed, from my experience, using a QOpenGLWidget
as viewport does not provide much benefits: the CPU load is similar and
the painting takes the same amount of time as with the raster paint engine (at least most of the times).
The library provides additional classes to help working with large scenes:
: by inheriting this class, a QGraphicsItem can use a caching mechanism based onQPaintRecord
. This caching mechanism is only enabled when using aQThreadOpenGLWidget
viewport, and reduces the time spent in QGraphicsItem::paint() method. See the class documentation for more details.QOpenGLGraphicsItem
: convenient QGraphicsItem inheritingQOpenGLItem
: convenient QGraphicsObject inheritingQOpenGLItem
: convenient QGraphicsWidget inheritingQOpenGLItem
The following example shows how to use QThreadOpenGLWidget
to display several static or dynamic ellipses using all possible ways:
#include <QThreadOpenGLWidget.h>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QSurfaceFormat>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <cmath>
// Example of QThreadOpenGLWidget that displays static and dynamic ellipses
// by combining all possible types of drawing mechanisms:
// - Overload of QThreadOpenGLWidget::paintGL()
// - Calling drawFunction() from within paintEvent()
// - Using a regular QPainter from within paintEvent()
class MyOpenGLWidget : public QThreadOpenGLWidget
static void DrawOpenGLEllipse(const QRectF& r, int num_segments)
// Draw an ellipse using old school opengl, just for the use case
float cx = r.center().x();
float cy = r.center().y();
float rx = r.width() / 2;
float ry = r.height() / 2;
float theta = 2 * 3.1415926 / float(num_segments);
float c = std::cos(theta);//precalculate the sine and cosine
float s = std::sin(theta);
float t;
float x = 1;//we start at angle = 0
float y = 0;
glColor3f(0, 1, 0);
for (int ii = 0; ii < num_segments; ii++)
//apply radius and offset
glVertex2f(x * rx + cx, y * ry + cy);//output vertex
//apply the rotation matrix
t = x;
x = c * x - s * y;
y = s * t + c * y;
QTimer timer;
connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update()));
virtual void paintGL()
// One way to display an ellipse: override paintGL()
DrawOpenGLEllipse(QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1), 100);
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* evt)
qint64 time = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
int size = time % 500;
// Another (faster) way to display an ellipse:
// send a drawing function to the rendering thread
// that uses QPainter calls
drawFunction([size](QPainter* p)
p->drawEllipse(QRectF(10, 10, size, size));
// Another (faster) way to display an ellipse:
// send a drawing function using raw opengl calls
drawFunction([size](QPainter* p)
MyOpenGLWidget::DrawOpenGLEllipse(QRectF(10 / 500., 10 / 500., size / 500., size / 500.), 500);
// Yet another way to draw an ellipse:
// the regular QWidget way
QPainter p(this);
p.drawEllipse(QRectF(10, 10, 50, 50));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QSurfaceFormat format;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MyOpenGLWidget window;
return app.exec();
The qthreadopenglwidget library requires compilation using cmake, but you can just copy/paste the source files in your project.
When importing qthreadopenglwidget from cmake, the following variables are defined:
- QTOW_INCLUDE_DIR: library include directory
- QTOW_LIB_DIR: library directory
- QTOW_QT_LIBS: Qt libraries used by the library
The following cmake file shows how to use qthreadopenglwidget library from your project (taken from the chip example):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
project(chip VERSION 1.0 LANGUAGES C CXX)
# find qthreadopenglwidget
find_package(qthreadopenglwidget REQUIRED)
# create executable
add_executable(chip main.cpp view.h view.cpp chip.h chip.cpp mainwindow.h mainwindow.cpp)
# add ressources
qt_add_resources(chip "images"
FILES qt4logo.png zoomin.png zoomout.png rotateleft.png rotateright.png fileprint.png)
# link to qthreadopenglwidget as well as required Qt libraries
target_link_libraries(chip PRIVATE ${QTOW_QT_LIBS} qthreadopenglwidget)
qthreadopenglwidget library and this page Copyright (c) 2025, Victor Moncada