This repository contains Ansible scripts for the installation, updating, and removal of Allora validator nodes on Linux systems. The playbooks are designed to simplify the process of setting up Allora nodes, managing their services, and ensuring seamless node operations.
Recommended specifications for a server:
Memory: 16 GB CPU: 6 cores Disk: 1 TB SSD Open TCP ports: 26656, 26657 must be open and accessible. For hosting Allora nodes, opt for a VPS 2 server from Contabo.
Update your system's package list and install necessary tools:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install ansible git -y
Clone this repository to access the Ansible playbook and all necessary files:
git clone
cd deploy-node-allora
Execute the playbook using the following command, specifying the 'moniker' (node name) as an extra variable:
ansible-playbook install_validator_node_allora.yml -e moniker="your_node_name"
Note: Replace "your_node_name" with the unique name you wish to assign to your node.
To view the logs for the Allora validator node:
journalctl -u allora-node -f -o cat
After installing the node, create a wallet essential for network operations:
ansible-playbook create_wallet_allora.yml -e wallet_name="your_wallet_name"
Once completed, You can find the wallet information, including private key, seed phrase, and hexadecimal address, in "/root/.allorad/wallets/<your_wallet_name>.info". Save it, as it will be useful for the following steps.
Get funds for your wallet via the Allora faucet. Enter the address of your wallet, verify that you are human, and request testnet tokens.
Ensure your node is fully synchronized with the Allora blockchain:
allorad status | jq .result.sync_info
Wait until the catching_up variable is false. Synchronization time may vary.
To finalize the setup of your node, create a validator:
ansible-playbook register_validator_node_allora.yml
During this process, you will be prompted to enter two values:
wallet_name: The name of your wallet. moniker: The name of your node. Once completed, you will obtain the address of your validator node.
Check the status of your node:
allorad q staking validator <validator_address>
Stopping Service To stop the Allora validator node:
systemctl stop allora-node
Starting Service To start the Allora validator node:
systemctl start allora-node
Removing the Allora Validator Node To remove the Allora validator node, run this playbook:
ansible-playbook remove_validator_node_allora.yml
Ensure to back up all important data before deleting the Allora node, as this action may remove node data.
By following this guide, you have successfully deployed and managed Allora validator nodes, contributing to the robustness of the network and potentially earning rewards. Join the Allora community on Discord and Twitter to stay informed about the project.
Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. If you have any questions or would like to continue the conversation, feel free to join the Allora Discord server. Stay updated and connected: Follow us on Twitter, join our Telegram group, Discord server, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.