I couldn't find all of the very basic options I needed that worked correctly in a single package, most are over-stuffed with features... but streaming of logs from your app isn't supported for example. I needed something that just worked hence the name 'justdoit'
go get github.com/go-playground/justdoit
justdoit -h
Usage of justdoit:
-build string
Command to Build/Compile program (default "go install -v")
-exclude string
Regex of paths to exclude (default "(.git|vendor)$")
-include string
Regex of files to include (default "(.+\\.go|.+\\.c)$")
-run string
Command to run your application
-watch string
Directory to watch for changes (recursive) (default "./")
justdoit -watch="./" -include="(.+\\.go|.+\\.c)$" -build="go install -v" -run="$GOPATH/bin/myexecutable"
- MIT License (MIT), Copyright (c) 2015 Dean Karn