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text generator brain

Text Generator is a system for;

  • Balancing multiple models on the disk, RAM and GPU
  • Serving AI APIs via swapping in AI Networks.
  • Using data enrichment (OCR, crawling, image analysis to make prompt engineering easier)
  • Generating speech and text.
  • Understanding text and speech (speech to text with whisper).

Text generator can be used via API or self hosted.

Text generator balances multiple 7B models to generate text.

Text generator also enriches web links with text summaries.

If a prompt contains links to images they are converted to text using captioning and if necessary OCR.

Please support us!

You can support us by purchasing NETW Tokens which will be a supported currency within the app.

Also checkout and

Coming soon:

  • Add support for other models and modalities like stable diffusion (done in
  • Train a classifier to first detect which model is best to use for a given piece of text.
  • Add support/passthroughs to other models like ChatGPT and Palm.


Text Generator is API compatible with OpenAI (but not the ChatGPT API yet)

There's also more control of text generation via the Text-generator API, this includes;

  • Early stopping based on probability (fast autocomplete the next likely parts of text)
  • max_sentences (generate only a set number of sentences at most)

Text generator also has routes for speech to text and speech generation.



mkdir code
cd code
git clone 20-questions

Local dev setup

Env vars:


machine setup without docker

install requirements
sudo apt install -y ffmpeg
sudo apt install -y tesseract-ocr
sudo apt install -y python3.9-distutils
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r questions/inference_server/model-requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Using cuda is important to speed up inference.

python -m nltk.downloader punkt

Set up some environment variables in this file (fake ones are okay for local dev)



Download models from huggingface.

huggingface-cli download HuggingFaceTB/SmolLM2-1.7B-Instruct --local-dir models/SmolLM-1.7B
wget -P models

Text Generator models are not open source yet.

please support us to get the models

Download models and place them in the models folder.

there should be three models placed:

models/tg a general model accessible with model=multilingual models/tgz an instruct model accessible with model=instruct models/tgc a chat model accessible with model=chat

model=best is configured to figure out which model to use based on the prompt being scored based on perplexity of each model.

This needs tuning for the avg and std deviation of the perplexity as each model has different ideas about how confidenti it is. Overtrained models are more confident about all text being in the dataset (tend to generate text verbatim from the dataset).

models can be pointed to using environment variables, e.g. using models from hugginface instead for testing


Other Models

The embedding model is a smaller model.

cd models
git clone

whisper and STT models will be loaded on demand and placed in the huggingface cache.


run the UI

uvicorn main:app --reload --workers=1
# or
uvicorn  -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b :3004 main:app --timeout 60000 -w 1


SERVER_SOFTWARE=Development/dev gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b :3004 main:app --timeout 60000 -w 1

local docker run

Docker building

Text Generator can be ran locally without docker.

install nvidia-docker2

sudo apt-get install nvidia-docker2

Text Generator is built with buildx

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker buildx build . -t questions
sudo docker run -v $(pwd)/models:/models -p 9000:8080 questions

app engine server run

The frontend API playground is available at and written for Google App Engine.

Run locally:

gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b :3030 main:app

inference server run

 PYTHONPATH=$(pwd):$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/OFA gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b :3030 questions.inference_server.inference_server:app

inference server run no docker with web server

PYTHONPATH=$(pwd):$(pwd)/OFA GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=secrets/google-credentials.json gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b :9080 questions.inference_server.inference_server:app --timeout 180000 --workers 1
PYTHONPATH=$HOME/code/20-questions:$HOME/code/20-questions/OFA:$HOME/code/20-questions/OFA/fairseq GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=secrets/google-credentials.json gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b :9080 questions.inference_server.inference_server:app --timeout 180000 --workers 1

Then go to localhost:9080/docs to use the API

run audio server only

Just the whisper speech to text part. This isn't required as the inference server automatically balances these requests

PYTHONPATH=$(pwd):$(pwd)/OFA GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=secrets/google-credentials.json gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b :9080 audio_server.audio_server:app --timeout 180000 --workers 1 


GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=secrets/google-credentials.json;PYTHONPATH=$HOME/code/20-questions:$HOME/code/20-questions/OFA pytest


Download Self Hosted Server

Direct Docker Image Download

Docker Container .tar Download

Container download script
curl | bash

After downloading the container with either method, proceed to follow the self host instructions available for Kubernetes, Docker

Kubernetes Deployment


Ensure tested docker locally/built one

You can setup kubernetes locally with kind if doing local kubernetes development.

k delete -f kuber/prod/deployment-gpu.yaml
k apply -f kuber/prod/deployment-gpu.yaml
k get pods

Debugging docker

Run a shell in docker container

docker run -i -t -u root -v $(pwd)/models:/models --entrypoint=/bin/bash questions -c /bin/bash;

new models

clone from huggingface

cd models
git clone


run a discord bot

PYTHONPATH=$(pwd):$(pwd)/OFA python questions/disbot/

compile dependencies

use uv pip to compile the dependencies

uv pip compile questions/inference_server/    --universal -o questions/inference_server/model-requirements.txt
uv pip sync questions/inference_server/model-requirements.txt

remember to stretch!

stretch your body every 30 mins with the say command...

watch -n 1800 'echo "stretch your body" | espeak -s 120'