Perform surface mapping from SimNIBS native surface outputs to HCP fs_LR32k space.
- Install Nextflow
- Have singularity containers listed in
available- Note that the connectome workbench container must also have freesurfer available
- You may use the same container more than once if it contains the appropriate software
- If not in Kimel Lab - add a
for your cluster setup. If you are not using a cluster you can specify-profile local
to run locally on your computer. The profiles available by default are: ['kimel', 'scc', 'local']
- perform SimNIBS Freesurfer to MNI brain transformationpipeline/
- perform SimNIBS simulation using MNI coordinates. Automates registration, coordinate mapping, coil placement, and cifti transformationpipeline/
- convert SimNIBS outputs to CIFTI format.subject_overlays/
must be available for each subject. You can generate these usingmap_to_surf
when running a SimNIBS simulation
NOTE: For all pipeline
scripts you must run as follows:
nextflow run pipeline/<pipeline>.nf -c <repo_dir>/config/ \
-params-file <repo_dir>/parameters.json [other args...]
- provides base configuration, in addition to the supported profiles-params-file
- provides list of singularity containers to use
Run simulation using MNI coordinates and obtain CIFTI files
nextflow run pipeline/ \
-c config/ -params-file parameters.json \
--out_dir path/to/out \
--mri2mesh_dir path/to/mri2mesh/outputs \
--mni_coordinates 30,43,23 --twist 155 \
--coil /path/to/coil \
--create_cifti -profile local
nextflow run pipeline/[||] \
-c config/ \