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@samaloney samaloney released this 16 Jul 20:12
· 9 commits to main since this release

stixpy 0.1.3 (2024-07-16)


  • Add a custom coordinate frame stixpy.coordinate.frames.STIXImaging and the associated transformations (~stixpy.coordinates.transforms.stixim_to_hpc, ~stixpy.coordinates.transforms.hpc_to_stixim) to and from ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective. Also add a for source which properly displays the stixpy.coordinate.frames.STIXImaging coordinate frame. (#90)
  • Merged stixpy.calibration.get_visibility_info_giordano and stixpy.calibration.get_visibility_info into stixpy.calibration.get_uv_points_data and removed stixpy.calibration.correct_phase_projection. (#98)
  • Update livetime correction parameter eta, tau and add code to calculate pileup 'beta' stixpy.calibration.livetime.pileup_correction_factor. (#100)
  • Add background subtraction step to imaging demo, update EnergyEdgeMasks. (#106)
  • Update imaging demo to use images and construct using ~stixpy.coordinates.frames.STIXImaging and (#107)
  • Update ~stixpy.coordinates.transforms.get_hpc_info to use mean or interpolate pointing and location data based on number of data points in given timerange. Add function cache for aux data frequenly needed during coordinate transforms. (#111)
  • Make the imaging demo compatible with ~xrayvision.visibility.Visibilities (#123)
  • Update code and examples to use new ~xrayvision.visibility.Visibilities, tidy API of ~stixpy.imaging.em.em. (#124)
  • Add missing QL products ~stixpy.product.sources.quicklook.QLVariance, ~stixpy.product.sources.quicklook.QLFlareFlag, and ~stixpy.product.sources.quicklook.QLTMStatusFlareList to Product. Also added some useful properties to the for status words. (#125)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix ELUT correction when the requested data has less then than 32 energy channels. (#106)
  • Update to use correct science energy channels for given date. (#107)
  • Fix a bug where the incorrect unit was set on ~stixpy.timeseries.quicklook.QLLightCurve, ~stixpy.timeseries.quicklook.QLBackground and ~stixpy.timeseries.quicklook.QLVariance. (#118)
  • Fix bug where coordinate transforms did not support arrays of coordinates or times. To so support both integrated (e.g. images) and instantaneous (e.g. coarse flare flag) a new property obstime_end was added to ~stixpy.coordinates.frames.STIXImaging when set if possible mean pointing and position information are use for transformations other wise they are interpolated between the two nearest data points. (#128)
  • Fix typo in 'durtaion' -> 'duration'. (#132)
  • Fix some inconsistencies on the data units in plots, also return handle to the image from (#134)
  • Fix bug reintroduce by last fix in ~stixpy.imaging.em.em, update code in ~stixpy.calibration.visibility.calibrate_visibility and imaging demo to use Tx, Ty rather than Ty, Tx as before. (#137)

Improved Documentation

  • Update README, fix graphviz RTD configuration, configure theme logo text. (#89)
  • Correct calculation of the HPC coordinate of the center of the STIX pointing in the imaging demo. (#112)
  • Update imaging demo for latest changes in xrayvision. (#115)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Format code with ruff and turn on ruff format in pre-commit. (#116)