Archived - refer to Unifi Protect.
Mostly now dead because of Unifi Protect and their future products/services. It still works but now EoL. No official support by Ubiquiti.
Unifi Video for Debian / Ubuntu: v3.10.13
Unifi Video Camera Firmware: v4.23.8.67
Note: do not use v4.30 it won't work with Unifi Video for Debian. v4.30 is for Unifi Protect.
log in as root: sudo su
if you don't have MongoDB already installed:
sudo apt-get install mongodb mongodb-server openjdk-8-jre-headless=8u162-b12-1 jsvc
Open terminal (go to your apps and type in terminal, or push the windows key and type in terminal) Type the following commands:
sudo mv /usr/bin/mongod /usr/bin/mongod.bin
cd /usr/bin/
sudo vi mongod
A new window will appear where you need to paste the following:
cleaned_args=$(echo $* | sed -e 's/--nohttpinterface//')
/usr/bin/mongod.bin ${cleaned_args}
Then press ESC on your keybard and type :wq
then enter.
Now type this command in terminal
sudo chmod +x mongod
Install unifi-video
dpkg -i unifi-video.Ubuntu18.04_amd64.v3.10.13.deb
Restart your computer to restart the Unifi-Video service. It should now run.
open the follow url on a browser tab :
or https://server:7443
Original source guide (I've added some extras here)