A collection of DBL subroutines and functions that implement, emulate or shim the functionality of various OpenVMS system service routines.
Routines that contain actual implementation code are intended be useful when migrating a DBL application from OpenVMS to another platform.
Shim routines (those that don't contain actual implementation code) are intended to make it possible to edit and debug OpenVMS code within a Visual Studio (and to a lesser extend Workbench) development environment while enjoying features such as IntelliSense.
Included in this environment are both a Workbench workspace file and a Visual Studio solution. Open one of these in your preferred IDE and use the build command to compile and link the ELB which is named VMSLib.elb.
If you add a project ref to the VMSLib.synproj to another solution, please remember to add the common property env var DBLSTARLET to point at the dblstarlet directory in this directory tree in that solutions common.props