- (WIP) To be a product manager, not a 2B PM: https://stevenjokess.github.io/2bPM/
- (WIP) Dive into cheap deep learning : https://aieye-top.github.io/d2cl/
- 🌈 My blog
- 💬 Ask something about Deep Learning
- ⚡ Recommend 111 books I have read this year
- 🤔 Furnish your github!
- ✨ Write blog by github!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning :Dive into Deep Learning
- 😄 I’m currently watching : Street Dance of China
- 🔭 I’m currently working on :Build a DL app
- 📫 I’m currently hunting for a PM job :Resume 求职简历
- 👋 I’m currently unhappy :Make a friend by telemgram
Dive into Deep Learning (translated chapter_generative-adversarial-networks from MXnet to PyTorch, helped by AnirudhDagar):
- GAN ,PyTorch PR(unavailable) PyTorch PR(available)and fix PR;TF2 PR
- DCGAN ,PR(unavailable) 、PR(available) and fix PR
- Now I'm blocked from d2l-ai and discuss.d2l.ai
- My contribution: https://github.com/dltech-xyz/d2l-en-read/tree/master/My%20contribution
- My discussion: https://github.com/dltech-xyz/d2l-en-read/tree/master/discuss
- old me 旧帐号: StevenJokes contribution

"Code is cheap. Show me the friendly product" -- Steven Jokes(s)
"I survive just for AI. Now I can't find any meaning for my life." -- Steven Jokes(s)