SteamKit 1.3.0
v1.3.0 (Jan 16, 2013)
- Fixed case where friend and chat messages were incorrectly trimming the last character.
- Steam2 ServerClient now exposes a IsConnected property.
- Steam2 ContentServerClient can now optionally not perform a server handshake when opening a storage session.
- Added various enums: EClanPermission, EMarketingMessageFlags, ENewsUpdateType, ESystemIMType, EChatFlags,
ERemoteStoragePlatform, EDRMBlobDownloadType, EDRMBlobDownloadErrorDetail, EClientStat, EClientStatAggregateMethod,
ELeaderboardDataRequest, ELeaderboardSortMethod, ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethod, and EChatPermission. - Fixed case where SteamKit was throwing an unhandled exception during Steam3 tcp connection teardown.
- Added PICS support to the SteamApps handler: PICSGetAccessTokens, PICSGetChangesSince, and PICSGetProductInfo.
- Added anonymous download support to CDNClient.
- Updated the following enums: EMsg, EUniverse, EChatEntryType, EPersonaState, EFriendRelationship, EFriendFlags,
EClientPersonaStateFlag, ELicenseFlags, ELicenseType, EPaymentMethod, EIntroducerRouting, EClanRank, EClanRelationship,
EAppInfoSection, EContentDownloadSourceType, EOSType, EServerType, ECurrencyCode, EDepotFileFlag, EEconTradeResponse,
ESystemIMType, ERemoteStoragePlatform, and EResult. - Exposed the following properties in SteamUser.LoggedOnCallback: CellIDPingThreshold, UsePICS, WebAPIUserNonce, and
IPCountryCode. - Fixed case where SteamKit was incorrectly handling certain logoff messages during Steam server unavailability.
- Fixed potential crash in Steam2 ContentServerClient when opening a storage session.
- Updated to latest protobuf-net.
- DepotManifest.ChunkData.CRC is now named DepotManifest.ChunkData.Checksum.