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@nmaludy nmaludy released this 23 Jul 23:21
· 515 commits to master since this release


This is the official 1.0.0 release of the StackStorm puppet-st2 module! We feel it is finally mature and production ready. It now contains integration tests with InSpec along with a large number of features and options for configuring your StackStorm deployment.


  • Added an implementation for every auth backend available (at the time).
    All auth backends can be configured with every parameter detailed on their
    GitHub page. The following backends are supported: flat_file (default),
    keystone, ldap, mongodb, pam. (Feature)
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Changed the behavior of st2 packages. Previously they were automatically
    updating due to the package resources having ensure => latest set. Going
    forward, packages will have ensure => present set by default and it will be
    the responsibility of the end user to update the packages. (Change)
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Fixed st2_pack type to properly pass the locale settings of the system
    to the st2 CLI command. (Bugfix)
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Added support for new st2workflowengine (Orchestra) service (Feature)!
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Fixed bug where CentOS 7 would sometimes fail to install NodeJS properly.
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • DEPRECATION WARNING - Support for Puppet 3 will be dropped in the next
    minor release!
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Added integration tests using InSpec.
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Added ability to utilize MongoDB auth with Puppet >= 4.0.
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Changed facts for Mistral and now MongoDB to use ghoneycutt/facter. This
    moves the fact for Mistral from /etc/facter/facts.d/mistral_bootstrapped.txt
    to /etc/facter/facts.d/facts.txt.
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Added RabbitMQ not listen address to be
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Fixed st2::user so that it properly create ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
    Contributed by @nmaludy

  • Fixed group ownership of st2::user SSH keys to be $name instead of root.
    Contributed by @nmaludy