OpenStacklibs is a set of python libraries used to develop backoffice components needed when building an OpenStack service with Business Support Services. This libraries can be bundled in 3 different groups:
Sometimes the OpenStack python libraries add a complexity to the final component that does not justify its use. That's why we have developed several helper libraries that can manage some specific parts of Openstack. Warning: we only implement a small subset of the capabilities, and these capabilities only used for us.
StackOps Portal and Chargeback have a rich REST API. We have develop some libraries that wraps this API followinf the same approach of OpenStack management components. Again, there is no full coverage of capabilities.
We also have integrated our solutions with third party tools like Mailing systems, WHMCS or Zendesk.
Please use it as a reference of how to integrate Openstack with third party components, not as a full & complete guide of Openstack integration.