Overview of Election Audit: Explain the purpose of this election audit analysis.
The analysis of the election show that:
-There were 369,711 votes cast
The candidates were:
-Charles Casper Stockham
-Diana DeGette
-Raymon Anthony Doane
The candidate results were:
-Charles Casper Stockham received 23.0% of the vote and 85,213 votes
-Diana DeGette received 73.8% of the vote and 272,892 votes
-Raymon Anthony Doane received 3.1% of the vote and 11,606 votes
The winner of the election was:
-Diane DeGette, who received 73.8% of the vote and 272,892 votes
Provide a breakdown of the number of votes and the percentage of total votes for each county in the precinct.
Jefferson: 10.5% (38,855)
Denver: 82.8% (306,055)
Arapahoe: 6.7% (24,801)
Which county had the largest number of votes?
Election-Audit Summary: In a summary statement, provide a business proposal to the election commission on how this script can be used —with some modifications— for any election. Give at least two examples of how this script can be modified to be used for other elections.
If the program is passed a different csv file with the same information in the same columns, only the file_to_load variable at the would need to be changed to match the file name and path of the new file and it would produce the same output.
If the columns data is stored in change, then lines 48 and 51 would need to be altered to the correct index of the data