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tomerdragucki edited this page Apr 10, 2017 · 19 revisions

The Athenizer is a project within the Spartan Refactoring project, which adds the feature of bloating your code in order to make it bigger and easier to debug. The Athenizer offers friendly GUI that allows both bloating and spartanizing your code in an easy way!


The Athenizer is part of the Spartan Refactoring plugin, so you need to install the Spartan Refactoring plugin according to the instructions detailed in Spartan Refactoring Installation Instructions, and then you'll be able to use all Athenizer features.

User Interface

Main Menu

The main spartanization menu includes Athenizer features as follows:

  • Spartanizer->Zoom...->current selection: preforms code bloating on the text currently selected.
  • Spartanizer->Zoom...->active window: preforms code bloating on active window.
  • Spartanizer->Zoom...->entire project: preforms code bloating on the entire project (could take a few moments).

Mouse Wheel Zooming

The main feature offered by The Athenizer is zooming in/out your code using your mouse wheel. In order to use this feature you first have to activate it by one of the following ways:

  • pressing ctrl+alt+d
  • pressing ctrl+8
  • pressing the button: athenizer button
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